Sunday, September 23, 2012


"The Fall of the Hindenburg" is a nonfiction piece that we will be reading this week. Nonfiction (NOT FAKE!) deals with only real people, events or ideas and is narrated from the point of view, or perspective, of the author, who is a real person. It may reflect the historical context of the time period, including references to major social and cultural information. However, not all nonfiction accounts or stories are in written form. Some are recounted in discussions or on news programs.

Talk to any adult in your life (grandparent, mother, father, aunt, uncle, guardian, teacher, cousin... etc) and  ask them about a major historical event they can recall in their life. Maybe they will give you insight into 9/11 or the JFK assassination.... or the first trip to the moon....or the Cuban Missile Crisis... or stories about the Vietnam War or Martin Luther King!  Ask them about the historical context of the time period in which their event takes place. What was going on in the world or the United States at the time?

After your chat with the adult in your life, summarize the conversation and what you learned from their nonfiction account! 

Your summary must at least be 8 sentences long. Read it over with the adult whom you had the discussion with in order to check your work for spelling, grammar, punctuation, run-on sentences etc.

If you'd like, you can research more about the event and include a link to an informative website on your post!

Your post is due no later than Friday at 5pm.


  1. 9/11 was a horrific day for our nation and very scary for my Mom. My Dad had flown in to New York from Boston that morning and landed just before the attack. My Mom heard about a plane flying into the World Trade Center when she was at work and she and her co-workers initially assumed it was just a small tourist plane, but then the real news hit! It was large commercial aircraft originating from Boston! My Mom panicked and luckily was able to get in touch with my Dad on his cell phone (before the cell service went down) and he was just leaving the airport and driving away from the city on the Long Island Expressway. He saw many emergency vehicles heading back into the city and turned around to see the Towers in smoke and flames! We were very grateful that day for our family and very sad for those that lost loved ones. It helps us better appreciate each moment and day we spend together as we know how things can change in a moment.

    1. Wow.That must have been a scary moment.thank god for phone service!

    2. "My Dad had flown in to New York from Boston that morning and landed just before the attack"
      that is sooo lucky, iwould be super scared if my dad was on a plane that day.

  2. I asked my dad about 9/11 and this is what he told me. “ I was working construction on a campground when I heard it over the radio. One of the world trade center buildings had been struck by a jet plane. At first I thought it was an accident then the second tower was hit as well. It became clear we had been under attack. I went home, called my wife at work and she came home as well. We watched on tv and learned the pentagon had been hit and the fourth plane in Pennsylvania. In horror we watched with jack beside us as we watched both towers crumbled to the ground. We had no idea if more planes were coming.” “Matthew Tallgrass”

    1. "In horror we watched with jack beside us as we watched both towers crumbled to the ground" That must have been a scary moment.

    2. "One of the world trade center buildings had been struck by a jet plane." That`s so crazy i would be scared.

    3. “ I was working construction on a campground when I heard it over the radio. One of the world trade center buildings had been struck by a jet plane. At first I thought it was an accident then the second tower was hit as well. It became clear we had been under attack. I went home, called my wife at work and she came home as well. We watched on tv and learned the pentagon had been hit and the fourth plane in Pennsylvania. In horror we watched with jack beside us as we watched both towers crumbled to the ground. We had no idea if more planes were coming.” Wow! That's crazy!

    4. One of the world trade center buildings had been struck by a jet plane.I asked my parents about that and they told me the whole was so sad.I don't know why people would want to do such a thing like that.

  3. I asked my dad about one historical event that he remembered, he told me about when John Lennon was shot, my dad said that it was a Monday night when him and his brother Kenny, (My uncle) were watching the Patriots play football. Then all of a sudden they interrupted the game and Howard Cosell the announcer told everyone that John Lennon had been shot and killed. The next morning the whole world would only talk about John Lennon. In Central park thousands of people sang songs from him and from the Beatles .Lots of people around the world were crying. The beatles lost the first member of the band. And people were stunned that someone would do that to a famous singer.

    1. Isn't that sad? My mom told me that she cried when she found out.

    2. "In Central Park thousands of people sang songs from him and the Beatles, lots of people around them were crying." Wow Molly! Thats really sad. Ms. Domohowski just told me about how he predicted his own death! Thats so crazy. " My dad and his brother Kenny were watching the football game and the announcer interrupted and told everyone that John Lennon had just been shot and killed". Good job

    3. Wow!I never knew that so many people gathered in central park to remember one of the most famous singers of all time,John Lennon.How could somebody be so cruel to somebody who was so loved

    4. "In central park thousands of people sang songs from him and from the Beatles." Wow, that's crazy! I didn't know it affected people so much, and thousands of people, that's alot.

    5. "The next morning, the whole world would only talk about John Lennon." Today in ELA we learned that he pretty much predicted his own death because he was interviewed and he said he thought he would die by being shot on the street. His prediction became a reality. This event was very sad.

  4.,r:14,s:0,i:117 <-- picture of attack

    I talked to Ms Domohowski about 911. She was in 7th grade and she heard that there was an attack and some terrorists crashed a plan into the world trade center. She also said that she did not feel safe. Then she went home and watched it on the TV with her parents. She said that it was sad and it changed her life. Everyone in America came to gather and put up American flags.

    1. "Everyone in America came to gather and put up American flags." This was the one day a year when all Americans come together to celebrate patriotism and liberty.

  5. I was talking to my mom about 9\11. My mom was done with breakfast. Then breaking news came on on every chanel on t.v. Two terrorists took over two planes and one almost took over and crashed to a tower. People were terrified all over the world. The billding cut on firer and people were jumping off and then it collapsed. Then people all over the world came to gather.To this day ther billding the tower.

    1. I can't believe 9/11 happened. It was so tragic that 3,000 people died and almost as much wounded. Nice job Erik.

    2. "Two terrorists took over two planes and one almost took over and crashed to a tower" People all over the world were so scared and terrified.

  6. Ms.Domohowski was 13 years old when 9/11 happened. She was in 7th grade. When she was in the wood shop she over heard the teachers say that two planes crashed into the World Trade Center. When she heard the news she was so confused and she did not know what they meant. When she went to gym class, the teacher put on the tv and it showed that 4 people hijacked 4 planes. She was so scared after that and she did not want to travel any more. Ms.Domohowski feels safer now but its still in the back of her head. Last but not least, she was also scared for her friend and sad because her friend’s dad was on the plane to California. When her friend heard the news she knew that her dad was on the plane that was being hijacked. She got to go home early becase she was crying. Thankfully her dad is ok now because he was not on the plane

    1. "Ms.Domohowski was 13 years old when 9/11 happened. She was in 7th grade. When she was in the wood shop she over heard the teachers say that two planes crashed into the World Trade Center." I never knew that about Ms.Domohowksi that but how would I?

  7. I asked my mom about 9/11 and I got answer. She was actually in New York when this happened. My mom watched the Plane crash into the Twin Towers. She was with her Mother and Two sisters. But the scary thing was, That her Father and two brothers were on a plane going to Arizona. My Mom feared that their plane hit the Twin towers. But, thankfully it wasn't that plane. My Grandmother called my grandfather, But he didn't answer because the Phone service was disconnected. They started to worry even more. The day after there was still no answer or call from My moms dad and brothers. The next day He finally called and told my mother that they were ok and that they arrived in Arizona safely. She was relived to hear That they were ok. That is My mothers Story for that horrific day

    1. i learned from kayla that her famliy were in NYC on 9/11. That was really intense and scary for them because part of the family was in a plane and part of the family was in New York on a scary day.

    2. I can only imagine how terrified everyone across America must have been. How close was your Mom to the World Trade Center that day? How did she react when she watched the identical Towers collapse? All in all I'm happy your family wasn't hurt at all! :)

    3. That her Father and two brothers were on a plane going to Arizona." Wow that must have been really really scary.i cant even imagine being on a plane during that happening.

    4. I learned that Kayla’s family was in New York when the plane crash happened. I know how that feels. It is very hard to cope with the fact that someone in your family had to witness what happened in 9/11. That day was tragedy. Thank god that your family was not on that plane.

  8. I talked to Ms.Domohowski about 9/11! She was in 7th grade at the time, it was just like any other day. Then when she was in class a teacher interrupted the class to tell her teacher what had happened. The teacher said two airplanes crashed into the twin towers. Ms.Domohowski didn’t have any idea what had happened! She thought that maybe someone built two towers out of sticks or something and two airplanes crashed into it. Her friend, Kelly’s dad was flying to California and her friend was crying her eyes out because she didn’t know where her dad was. Then Kelly got dismissed from school. Ms.Domohowski went to gym class and then went home. When she got home, Ms.Domohowski and her family saw what had happened on TV. She was very shocked, it was a very scary time for Ms.Domohowski!

    1. I think that is really scary that happend to ms. Domohowski when she was only 13 years old. I would be terrified If my teacher had told me that two planes crashed into the twin towers.

  9. I talked to Ms. Domohowski and she talked about 911. When 911 happened she was in 7th or 8th grade and one of her teacher came into the classroom and said 2 airplanes just crashed into the twin towers. Then she when to gym class and the gym teacher had a little television and she was watching it. During gym class her friend’s dad was flying to California and she was crying and crying because she thought her dad was in the crash. Also Ms. Domohowski was scared to fly on a plane for a few years . Then she learned about the twin towers and how osama binladan was all behind it.

    1. “Then she learned about the twin towers and how osama binladan was all behind it.” I agree with what you said. Are you glad that the United States killed Binladen last year?

    2. WOW!That must've been really scary for Ms.Domohowski's friend.I would've been scared just like her

  10. My dad told me about 9/11. My parents were living in East Gloucester at the time and I was a baby. My mom was at work and my dad was with me. So, my dad turned on the T.V. and it was on every channel. Dad saw the first building burn and then the second plane hit. He called my mom, leaving a message about the crash and he also called his mom in England and they were watching it on T.V. as well. He watched it all day. When the first tower fell down, he knew it before the T.V. reporter said anything. He felt very sad and rather hopeless.

    1. Ts that was beautiful and sad."Dad saw the first building burn and then the second plane hit." That's cra cra girl. Ts your a coolcat. good story, peace Belle out.

    2. "So, my dad turned on the T.V. and it was on every channel. Dad saw the first building burn and then the second plane hit. He called my mom, leaving a message about the crash and he also called his mom in England and they were watching it on T.V. as well." Wow Ts, that is cra cra!! Great story!! your amazing!!!

    3. Watching it on T.V. is just as scary.I cant believe he called up his mom in England.

  11. September 11, 2001

    My Dad had just got home from working the night shift at the Gloucester Fire Department. I was exactly 1 1/2 years old. It was a beautiful summer day without a cloud in the sky around 80 degrees. My Dad was drinking his coffee and watching The Today Show. Then Breaking News came on and said : “ A plane hit the World Trade Center’’. Minutes later he saw live footage of the second plane hit. Being a fireman he thought of all the firemen and women had to run into that building. Even then we didn't know it was a planned attack. It seemed like a bad accident. Seconds after he thought that the North Tower collapsed and followed by the South Tower. He heard of planes being hijacked but thought nothing of it during the attack. It was the first time that my dad could remember the USA was under attack by another country. Although over 3000 people and 343 firefighters died day, he will always remember that they saved over 24000 people before the collapse. The most strange part of the day was going outside and seeing the bright blue sky and not one airplane in the sky. It was a quiet and peaceful day.

  12. I talked to my mom about one of her historical events which was Michael Jackson’s death. He died on June 25, 2009. His music was so fun, crazy and inspiring. My mother said, “I remember driving to the mall the next day. I was crying and whimpering and I put a white glove on. I was so sad.” He was born on August 28, 1958 and will be forever missed by millions. He died just before a concert in London. It was called “This is It.” His death is ranked number 1 on “VH1`s List of Most Shocking Moments in Music.”

    1. Yes i know about it and my aunt have every cd's of his and turned it up in the car very loud and we were all sad. I was in NY and i was watching TV and hearing the bad news. It was very scary hear the new on the radio like it said he not breath ohh no ohh no.' I was crying and whimpering and I put a white glove on'

    2. Michael Jackson was such a strange but inspiring person.Many people loved him and his music and still do.That must have been a very tough time for your mother.

    3. "I talked to my mom about one of her historical events which was Michael Jackson’s death."I know it was so sad.I heard it on the news.My mom came out and she looked at the TV and started balling her eyes out.She loved Michael Jackson too.I was so sad when I heard it that I rushed out of my bedroom and I was shocked with my mouth open.I was so sad, about to cry too.:(

    4. "I talked to my mom about one of her historical events which was Michael Jackson’s death. He died on June 25, 2009" I was so sad he died he was my idol and he was the best singer that there could be.

    5. "His death is ranked number 1 on VH1`s List of Most Shocking Moments in Music." - Rosie G

      Wow that was so shocking! I remeber it too. I do think it is weird that they ranked it number one on that most shocking music list. If I was him I wouldn't have wanted that.

    6. "I talked to my mom about one of her historical events which was Michael Jackson’s death. He died on June 25, 2009." WOW, that's sad :(

  13. "I talked to my mom about one of her historical events which was Michael Jackson’s death. He died on June 25, 2009. His music was so fun, crazy and inspiring. My mother said, “I remember driving to the mall the next day. I was crying and whimpering and I put a white glove on. I was so sad." Wow i remember when Michael Jackson died it was so sad. My little brother was so devastated he started crying because he loved Michael Jackson.

  14. I talked to my mom about 911 and she said it was the most saddest thing ever.My dad also said he looked on every channel and all they were talking about is the 911 attack.They both said it was out of shock when it happened.My mom and dad started crying when it happened.I was a a little 1 year old when it happened.I went to New york City in July and the memorial was beautiful.I got to see the exact spot of the attack and the subway train station in the museum.I still talk about 911 with my mom and dad.It's so sad how that could happen out of shock.So much people gotten killed.My mom and dad always say to me believe, no matter what.

  15. I talked to someone regarding 9/11. It was a very scary day. It was sad and very upsetting to see the people jump from the towers. It was very eerie at night not to hear the planes at night go by. It was also very scary to think that they could come attack up here. I will never forget that day. She said she feels very bad for the families.

  16. I talked to someone regarding 9/11. She said it was one of the saddest days in history she can remember. She said it was a beautiful bright sunny and it was also her daughters birthday. She was in her car and they came on the radio and said a tragic event was happening in New York City. It was a little sketchy because the radio announcer did not know all the details. At night it was on the television and she remembers that a couple of the new people were even crying. The news showed people running with a gray type of soot all over there bodies. She also said they showed people jumping out of the towers. She said she even cried herself. At night it was kind of weird. It was really quiet because they would not allow any planes to fly. She hopes she never has to live thorough another tragedy like this.

  17. My dad told me about the killing of President Kennedy. My dad was in third grade and one of the teachers came in crying. She called his other teacher aside. Then before long they all knew that President Kennedy was killed. He was very surprised. Also he told me that he couldn't watch cartoons because for 2 weeks all the TV stations were dedicated to President Kennedy.

  18. I talked to my sister Molly about 9-11
    She was in 4th garde and I was a year old.Went the whole school with out anyone tellig them what had happened.Dad told all of us me and my two sisters we didnt understand.She went to her friends house and saw it on T.V mom didn't want her to see it.She started to understand it as the week went by.She was scared at school.

  19. I sat down and talked with my dad about a tragedy or important event that happened in his life time. The first thing he said is “ 3 mile Island, when the nuclear power plant, BLEW UP!!!! He even drove right by before it happened he was on his way home from Florida. He explained that it was scary for him and he felt that we should be using nuclear power to make things we use run because it is extremely dangerous. He said “he wasn’t sure if was going to be able to get home because the tragedy and traffic.’’
    I am certain many people lost there lives that day. It was obviously something my dad will never forget. Knowing it know I don’t think I will forget about this event of extreme danger which I hope will never happen again.

  20. I think that is amazing because even though the anchor or news guy didn't know all the information about the tragedy , who ever you talked to must of been very happy that they were there and still are here to talk about it.


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