Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Hook

During class this week, a majority of our time will be spent focusing on writing and understanding how important it is to captivate our audience. People are rarely going to want to read something if they find it boring! 

We will discuss hooks and how they are designed to grasp and pull something--- and in this case it is the reader's attention. Hooks are so vital to writing because they arouse curiosity and interest in readers and give them that I can't put it down feeling. 

This week I want you to read the following writing prompt and draft a catchy introductory paragraph. Think of all the various hooks we have discussed and choose one to best grasp the attention of your reader (quotation, anecdote, startling fact, analogy, question). Your paragraph must be at least 8 sentences long and contain a thesis statement or claim, which is the main idea that the rest of your essay will explain in more detail. Feel free to comment on each others' and advise or encourage your classmates!

BE ADVISED: YOU ARE NOT WRITING A WHOLE ESSAY. You are just responsible for 8 sentences that will HOOK the reader and state your thesis/claim.

Imagine that for one day you could trade places with anyone you choose. The person could be real or imaginary, from the past or from the present.
In a well-developed composition, identify the person you would want to trade places with, explain why you would like to trade places with this person, and describe how your day would be different as this person.



  1. Who do you want be ? I would like to be Mark Zuckenburg. He has a lot of money and he has a big house. People all over the world use his website Facebook people play games and chat. He change the world because millions of people go on Facebook.

  2. If you could be any one in this world who would you be? I would be my mom because she’s always making time to take my siblings and me where ever we need to go. My mom is the type of person who is always on time. That is the type of person I wish to be, so if I could be any one in this world it would most definitely be my mom.

  3. Was there ever a time where you wanted to switch places with Justin Timberlake? Or Paul McCartney? To be a fantastic singer would be so cool! How would you feel to have all the guys/girls all over you just to listen to your fantastic song(s) or look up to you? I don't know about you but I would love it. It is different than waking up at 6:00am every morning for school, instead you are on tours and singing in concerts(maybe dancing too) with fans and band members. I would love to be famous and have albums with my greatest hits, all I do now is sing with no one around! You would get nice cars, nice house, be on television! And did I mention I love their songs?

  4. Have you ever asked yourself who you would want to be someone famous, or someone from your favorite TV show? In the past I would've said someone like my mom or Taylor Swift or Selene Gomez. Well I think that my thoughts have changed because if I could be anyone I would be myself. You choose who you want to be and what you want to be like. I feel that everybody copies someone and I feel that everyone thinks they are cooler that way but really it is cooler to be yourself.

  5. I would like to trade places with Cindy Fitzgibbons. She is a meteorologist on Fox 25 Morning News. I think it is interesting to look into the weather. Predicting storms and heatwaves is a hard process, but she makes it seem so easy. I think it will be fun to try and figure how many inches a snowstorm will drop and see how close I come to being right. I would do a 7 day forecast each week
    My 7 day forecast will be helpful for people to plan their days. Standing in front of a map to give my forecast seems scary, but I think I can do it and I would would LOVE working with the cast on Fox 25 Morning News!!!

  6. Did you ever feel that feeling to trade places with your favorite pop star? Well if I had to trade I would with Justin Bieber. The reason why I would choose him because he is my most favorite male singer in the world. My day would be absolutely different than my usual day. One way it would be different is because he is on tour in Australia and he is famous I would be very scared to perform in front of 2,000 - 5,000 people. I would be recording a lot of songs and and chilling with the people that I care about and also my best friends. Finally the last thing I would do as Justin Bieber would be drive my car that I got when I was 18 years old on my birthday that Ellen and Scott that manager gave to me.

  7. Did you ever felt like you didn't want to be you, but you wanted to be someone or something else? If I could trade places with someone it would be Nina from the show House of Anubis. The only twist is I wouldn't want to trade places with the actor, I would want to trade places with the character!I would want to trade places with her because in the show she is always doing so much mysteries. I have always imagined being on that show and trading places would be just my way on. The character is also so awesome and she always has something interesting going on all the time.

  8. If i got to be someone for one day it would be Rob Gronkwoski it would be awsome to catch a ball in front of thousands of people. It would be awsome hearing people scream when i made the game winning catch.

  9. Can you imagine being on a field with 100,000 screaming fans cheering for you? That is why I would like to be Tom Brady. Tom Brady is my hero. He is rich and famous and that is what I would like to be. I could buy cars, houses and boats. That is why I would want to be Tom Brady.

  10. Have you ever imagined leading a country? It would be amazing. I would like to be JFK. He is a great influence for american kids. JFK ran the country during the Vietnam war. That must have been very difficult. He is the best thing that happened To america.

  11. Have you ever wondered how fun it would be to switch spots with your favorite pop star? Well, I would switch places with Justin Bieber because it would be a fun experience! He is the most famous 18 year-old in the universe, who wouldn't want to be him? I would never ever be able to sing in front of thousands of people, like Justin Bieber does daily. Justin Bieber's always in different places, sometimes he is even in 3 states in one day. His day is very different from mine. It would be fun to travel all around the world as Justin Bieber. Therefore, being the most famous person on the planet has its ups and downs, it takes away your freedom, you can't just go somewhere and expect people not to do anything! That also means that millions of people love you, who wouldn't want that? Justin Bieber has a very spontaneous life and it would be fun to switch spots with him!

  12. Have you ever wanted to run all over the place, play or sleep whenever you want to? I am only able to do those things on the weekends, after school or other appropriate times. Buddy is someone I would like to be. He loves to play soccer and eat peanut butter. A favorite spot to play is behind the couch. He loves to sleep by my feet at night. Then he jumps right up in the morning to eat his breakfast. The boy I would love to trade places with is my puppy Buddy.

  13. Have you ever wanted to trade places with someone? Who would it be? I would be Tom Brady. I would be Tom Brady because he has millions of fans. Tom Brady also makes a lot of money.Tom Brady is an icon for the New England patriots and a role model for thousands of kids. Tom Brady is also a great quarterback. If I could switch places with anyone it would be Tom Brady.

  14. Imagine waking up one morning and not being the person you went to sleep as? Some people may be terrified, confused, or even overjoyed. So now think of this your the one who wrote that annoying yet catchy song that you just cant help jammin out to you know you know the song by heart backwards and forwards. This song was played millions of times over the radio. Your song is “ Call Me Maybe “ by Carly Rae Jepsen. Thats who I might want trade places with for a day but, only a day!


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