Monday, March 4, 2013

Successful in 7th Grade

What advice would you give to a sixth grader in order to help them be successful in seventh grade?

Give at least three pieces of advice!

Your post should be at least 8 sentences. It is due no later than Friday by 5pm!


  1. Dear 6th graders,
    I have advices to give. First, don't forget your homework or you will have a big fat zero. Then, don't break the rules. For example, there is no chewing gum in class and don't be rude to the teachers. Next, if don't get to class in time you need to get a pass from the class you came from. Finally, you can stay after for help and homework.

  2. In order to be successful in seventh grade you must be prepared, organized and follow the rules. These things can help you become successful in the seventh grade. Don't be rude or disrespectful to anyone in school. Don't be involved with any bad activities in school or you will have consequences. Don't forget SAILS is a great opportunity to get involved in .

  3. For advice for the 6 graders I would tell them that you have to be prepared everyday for 7 grade. 7 grade is very hard so you have to study every night to get good grades. For advice the projects are really hard so you have to work very hard on them. You have to follow the rules everyday or you will get in trouble really bad. If you follow my advice you will have a successful year.

  4. I would tell a 6th grader for good advice do not for get your home work bring it in on time stay after to get your work done. Always pay attention in class so it will help you with your home work. Be prepared for class do not forget a pencil bring a note book .Be sure to write down your home work in your assignment note book. I would give a 6th grader this advice because it is helpful.

  5. If I could give a sixth grader three pics of advice I would tell them. Always be ready for school by having pencils, a note book and a binder to put all your extensive amount of home work in. I would also tell them to focus in class and listen the the teacher. They should listen to the teach because you get in trouble if you don't and it helps you to lean more. The last thing you should relay do in seventh grade is do your home work. If you do home work you get good grades in class. If you get high enough grades you can get on the honer role. Those are the three pics of advice that i would give to sixth graders.

  6. My advice for the sixth graders next year is to do your homework, don’t chew gum in class, and pay attention to your teachers.
    Firstly, DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!!!! If you don’t do your homework you will not get graded and get a zero, if you get many zeros it adds up and it impacts your grade substantially. On the other hand if you pass it in you will at least get a grade. Even if you get it all wrong it is still better than a zero.
    Also, not chewing gum in class. Some teachers are alright if you chew gum in class, but most teachers (Mr. Destino) will keep you in for lunch if you chew gum in his/her class. But mostly just make you spit it out in class.
    Lastly, pay attention in class. If you don’t pay attention in class you will not be prepared for tests or quizzes. The teachers in seventh grade give you the answers to tests and quizzes in class and all you have to do is listen.
    Clearly, if you do your homework, don’t chew gum and, pay attention to your teachers you will be successful in seventh grade.

  7. If I could give a sixth grader advice i would say make sure to do all your class /homework because if you don't you will either get lunch detention or a 0. Next,I would say make sure to be prepared, by making sure you have a pencil, notebook, and a folder for each class math science ela and social studies. Last but not least, make sure you do not talk out loud when another student or a teacher is talking. Always raise your hand and pay attention when someone is talking because you never know if the teacher is gonna call on you. If you do all these steps and more i am positive you will pass the seventh grade.

  8. Seventh grade isn’t as hard as it looks. To be successful, you need to follow these three easy steps. Firstly, you MUST be organized. For four core classes AND two specialist’s every term, you’re going to need to be organized for all your homework and classwork just in case you are missing any work. It’s also good to be organized so you know where everything is. Another good piece of advice is always do your homework. Seventh grade prepares you for eighth grade. Even for high school! You always have to do your homework if you want to be successful! Lastly, don’t stress about it! Seventh grade may seem a little bit scary and hard. If you don’t stress, it won’t seem as hard. Just always, take a deep breath. Because stress gets you nowhere. Clearly, the three steps for being successful in Seventh grade are to be organized, always do your homework, and not to stress to much.

  9. 3 Advice Tips for Seventh Grade:

    Well, seventh grade is a big step from sixth grade, so you want to make the best out of it. First, be prepared for class. Have you ever asked a person for something you didn't have? Or got asked for something?
    It is kind of annoying so, if you are prepared that won't happen. Second, do your homework. Nothing is worse than a zero, so you want to get full credit. If you don't care, your grade is going to hurt and you might fail because of it. Last but not least, Focus! Were you ever in a situation where someone asks you a question and you don't know what they are talking about? Try for that not to happen, especially to the teacher. Even if you don't like the class or subject, try your best to pay attention for when a question comes out of nowhere. So, take these pieces of advice and TRY them during Seventh grade and through College. Good Luck!

  10. there are a few things you should know as as sixth grader going in to the seventh grade. First, you will be moving to a new house with new teachers. you will be meeting new people. Also, the work will get a little bit harder.The lunches don't get any better. You will still have the same guidance councilor. You will be giver more homework. If you keep these in mind, you will do great.

  11. Seventh grade seems very difficult but when you get used to it its not that bad. Here is some advice to survive the seventh grade. Firstly, You MUST do your homework. If you are in Beauport House you won't have much homework in ELA, Science, and Social Studies (other than a blog post in ELA). On the other hand you will have math homework everyday. Most homework isn't hard all you have to do is use your notes and pay attention in class. Also remember to write your homework down in your assignment notebook. Secondly, You have to be prepared. Being prepared means having a pencil every day, bringing you textbooks to class and having your binder. If you are missing one of these it is almost impossible to function and get your work done. Some teachers sell pencils for $0.25 and some let you give them your binder/book any thing you can't leave without and lend you a pencil. But that is for emergencies only don't let that make you think you don't have to bring one. Thirdly, you shouldn't chew gum. A couple teachers don't care unless you are chewing very noticeably. But in other teachers classes they are very strict about gum chewing. If they find you chewing gum you will get lunch detention. To avoid problems just don't chew gum in the first place. Fourthly, don't take advantage of substitutes. If you thing you can fool around when subs are in place of you real teacher you are wrong. They will report to your teacher and you will get in trouble. Some people think that they don't have to do work when there is a sub you do. The work is NOT fun its just busy work. Don't worry hopefully your teacher will only be out for one day. Lastly, Specialist Classes are not a time to fool around. Health, art, spanish, and pro forming arts are real classes, you get homework, you get a grade and you have to do work. Clearly, these steps will help you be successful in seventh grade.

  12. There’s a ton of advice I would give a sixth grader. Firstly, I would tell them to do their homework. For example, all of my teachers don’t give much homework but when they do it is very important. If you decide to not do your homework, there will be consequences. Secondly, you have to be respectful. For instance, you shouldn’t talk while the teacher is talking because then you won’t understand or won’t know what to do. Don’t chew gum, especially in Mr. Destino’s class because he will give you a lunch detention. Always be respectful and do what the teacher tells you to do. Thirdly, you should always be prepared for class. Such as, doing doing your homework and bringing it to class because if you don’t then you will get a zero which isn’t being successful and not doing what’s expected of you. Also, always have a pencil with you and everything you need for that class. Most teacher won’t lend you a pencil, some will have some for sale but that’s if you have money. Lastly, always try to your best effort. For one thing, always have everything done like school work before anything else. Success is the key to life and in school it extremely important.
    Clearly, there is quantity of advice I would give to a sixth grader to be successful in school.

  13. Here are three pieces of advice that I would give to a sixth grader to become a successful seventh grader. First, ALWAYS do your homework/class work because if you don’t, then you won’t get a good grade. It can bring your progress report down and your report card down a lot. You might get a warning of failing classes and that’s not good either. Just remember to ALWAYS do your homework/class work!!!! Second, listen to the teacher when they’re speaking because it’s disrespectful when you’re talking over your teacher. You can get sent out to the hall and then not be able learn anything. Also, your parents can get a phone call from your teacher and then you will be grounded and that’s no fun. In addition, you can get a low grade for listening either on your progress report or your report card. The most important thing why you should listen to the teacher is to learn and so you know what you have for homework and know how to do it. You want to make sure you’re ready for MCAS in March. Just always listen to the teacher when they are talking!! Lastly, try your best. You always want to try your best so you can be able to do everything you would like to do. In school if you’re stuck on a math problem just try your best to figure it out because you will still get points for trying. Also, so you’re confident in yourself to be able to do things and not give up because people are watching you or if you don’t know what to do. Always try your best no matter what!! Always do your homework/class work, listen to the teacher when they’re speaking, and try your best are the three pieces of advice that I would give to a sixth grader to become a successful seventh grader.

  14. We all know seventh grade is hard. It is harder then all the grades bellow it. So, if I could give a sixth grader advice so they can do well in seventh grade, I would have a lot to say. Firstly, remember to turn in all of your homework if you don't it will be way harder to keep good grades. Secondly, be respectful to your teachers. Even if they are nice, they will respect you more if you respect them. Next, never skip school! You will have to make up so much work and it will be much harder to find free time. Lastly, always be a good friend. Believe it or not if you have friends around school becomes so much less hard. If I could tell this to someone in sixth grade I know they would have a much better time in seventh grade.

  15. Dear sixth grade,
    There is so much you should know in order to be successful in seventh grade. First, you absolutely have to do your homework or your grade will go down for every zero you get. One missing assignment can cost you extra credit for a test.
    Second, Don't ever forget to study every quiz and test grade really count.
    Furthermore, Be ready for class you are almost never allowed to go to your locker so be prepared.
    Lastly, You must behave as a seventh grader you must you are expected to set examples and become more mature. Misbehaving can lead to lunch detentions.
    Clearly, These are all pieces of advice that will make you successful in your upcoming seventh grade year. Good luck, don't worry seventh grade is fun too as long as you follow those four steps.


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