In our conversations with others, we
present our ideas in a logical order. This way, we make sense to our
listeners. Typically, we relate events in the order they occurred, so
our listeners don't become confused as they follow our ideas.
writing, the pattern we present our ideas in is called organization.
Writers need to know about organizational patterns because readers
expect what they read to make sense logically.

The most common way to organize writing is called chronological order. Chronological order is the order in which
the events occurred, from first to last.This type of organization is especially effective if you are describing a
process, relaying a series of actions, or telling a story.
This week you must write a paragraph (between 5-10 sentences) in chronological order. You may choose from the following topics:
1. Two people met, fell in love, and got married
2. A young person discovered a particular sport, practiced/played it throughout their life and now plays professionally
3. The weather change from January to July
4. The first day of 7th grade
5. Summarizing the plot of your favorite movie or book.
6. Your morning routine to get ready for school
Your post is due no later than Friday by 5pm.
First, I would wake up and see the the sun rise. Then, I would make my bed and put some clothes on. Next, I would go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. Afterward, I would put water on my face to wake up. Later, I would say “bye” to my mom and dad. Finally, I would walk a big hill and go to my bus stop a what for the buss to come. Lastly, my bus wolud go to my school.
ReplyDeleteI decided to summarize the plot of my favorite TV-show/movie.
ReplyDeleteFirst, Rick wakes up from the com and looks around. Rick decides to leave the hospital room. Everything is weird and the lights don't illuminate the hall . Then, he leaves the hospital and meets a man and his son who explain everything! Rick finds out their are zombies everywhere! Soon, he begins to look for his family. After a close call with zombies he finally finds his family. Little does he know that while he was thought to be dead, his wife was in love with his best friend.
During the school week I wake up at 5:00 am. The first thing I do is pick out want clothes I am going to wear, Then from 5:30-7:00 I watch Full House. I eat my breakfast while watching T.V. When the show ends, I bush my teeth and put on my boots. Then I get my stuff together and wait for the bus.
ReplyDeleteThe alarm’s sound goes off obnoxiously at 6:00am. Sadly, I need to get out of my warm, soft covers. Then, I need to shut off my alarm so it doesn’t go on and on. After that, I go downstairs, say “hi” to my mom and dad and eat breakfast. Next, after I eat my cereal I put my bowl in the sink and head upstairs to get ready. Upstairs I brush my teeth and get dressed with the outfit I picked out the night before. Afterwards, I get my hair ready and make my bed, and if I have time play on my iPad. Shortly after that, I get my coat on and go out the door leaving for my 7:11 bus stop. That is my morning routine!
ReplyDeleteI wake up at 7:00. Then I take a shower. Then I eat breakfast. Then I brush my teeth. Then I leave to go to school.
ReplyDelete"Ring Ring Ring!" Yells my alarm clock to wake me up at exactly 6:15 A.M. I usually lay in my bed for about 5 minutes. Then, I get up to pick out my outfit that I plan to wear to school. After, I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth and do my hair. I need to put this lotion in my hair to keep it thick and straight. After, I go back to my room to get my mascara and eye liner. Sometimes, I use a lot of eye liner and mascara because I want it to be perfect. Next, I apply my make-up and head back to my room and put my shoes on as well as get my backpack. Then, I wait for my friend to pick me up for school. After school I usually go to my grandma's or hang out with my friends. That concludes my morning routine.
ReplyDelete"Beep Beep Beep" rings my IPods alarm. I usually snooze it and turn it off. When I wake up at 6:30 and pick out cloths to school. Then, I go down stairs and eat breakfast and watch a little TV. Afterwards, I get my school cloths on and brush my teeth. Next, I get my sweatshirt on and drive to school. That is my morning routine.
ReplyDeleteI wake up to the sound of my alarm then next I turn It off next I get up to eat breakfast next I take a shower then I brush my teeth then I walk to the bus stop then I get picked up from the bus. Lastly then I go to school.
ReplyDeleteFirst, my big sister wakes me up and it take like 10 minutes to get out of bed then I take a shower and get dressed and do my hair. After, I take a shower and eat breakfast and brush my teeth. Next, I put my make up on get all my stuff ready. Finally, my sister and I walk to the bus stop.
ReplyDelete6. Your morning routine to get ready for school
ReplyDeleteIt’s 5:00 in the morning and my crazy alarm going off and I never want to get out of my bed. I get out of my bed sluggishly I pick out my clothes I will wear for the day. Next i get dressed and go down stairs and smell breakfast that my mom is cooking. I eat some pancakes and then brush my teeth. As soon as I am done with brushing my teeth I wrap my newspapers and go deliver them to people in my neighborhood. Then I walk back to my house and get drop off at school. When it is time to go in school I see my wonderful teachers faces.
First,When I wake up in the morning I wake up to an annoying phone alarm which I struggle to turn off.After, I turn the shower on. While I wait for my shower to warm up I brush my teeth. As my shower FINALLY gets warm enough I step in and shower. After that, I put on my clothes. Next, I slowly make my way down the steps downstairs I pour cereal into a bowl with milk. After eating my cereal I brush my teeth again and put hair gel in my hair. Then, I put on my body spray and deodorant. Finally, I am out the door at 7:00 waiting for the bus.
ReplyDeleteThere once was a girl named Brittany that went to a Justin Bieber concert. She was sitting in the front row. She then locked eyes with Justin Bieber. She fell madly in love with him. Later that night, Brittany went backstage to meet Justin. He then, sang her a song. After pelting his heart out, Justin got down on one knee and said "Brittany, will you marry me?" Brittany yelled "YES!" Later that year, they got married and had 6 little children.