Monday, December 10, 2012

Changing Completely

After both viewing the play at the North Shore Music Theater and finishing up Act 2, we see a huge character change in Scrooge. Describe his character change. Do you believe that people can change completely, as Scrooge does? Explain your response and feel free to include any examples from your life.

Your response must be AT LEAST 8 sentences. Your post is due no later than Friday at 5pm.


  1. I do not believe that people can change completely. The Christmas Carol was fictional and that’s why Scrooge changed completely. I do believe people can change, but not completely. Even if someone was nasty and then becomes nice they won't lose the nastiness they will just not show it. It is still there though. For example, if you change yourself for any reason, you will still be you, you just won't show it. Nobody can completely change no matter how hard they try. If you change for the good, it is a wonderful thing, but you won't be completely good. The person will still have the part of them that they used to have. If you change for the bad, then you won't be completely bad you just won't show your good side. In conclusion, no one can change completely. If they could it would be awesome, but it can’t happen.It is not possible.

  2. In the story “A Christmas Carol,” Scrooge changes from being mean to being nice. Some of the examples that state Scrooge was mean was when the portly and thin men came in asked him to donatew money to the poor. Scrooge yelled at them to get out. Also, when people say “Merry Christmas” or “ Happy New Year “ he just shoves them away and says, “Bah Humbug!”
    However, in the end, when he caught Crachit late for work he gave him a raise and said “Merry Christmas!” Also, he gave Cratchit presents for him and his family.
    Yes, I belive that a person can change from mean and grumpy to nice and cheerful. People change all the time. Either they’re changing nice to mean or mean to nice, like Scrooge. When people change it’s not a bad thing; it’s a good thing, unless they’re nice and they’re changing to be mean. People can change for good not bad.

  3. Scrooges change wasn’t realistic because people don’t change that fast. If Scrooge thought he needed to change he would have done so. My grandmother was a nasty person and somehow we got her to change. But, over time. It didn’t happen over night and she is still a tiny bit mean. I still dislike her Because she Calls my mom fat and my dad too skinny. She tells me I need hearing aids because I tune her out. Even though I can hear fine. She still needs to change but I believe in the bottom of her heart she hates us all. That is the reason why I believe That scrooges change was unrealistic because People don’t change their personality's over night.

  4. Scrooge’s change was a surprise to me because most people don’t change just like that. Plus, if Scrooge wanted to change he would have done it sooner rather than later instead of being frightened by the ghost. My grandfather is a very mean old man. He doesn’t have any consideration for the people around him. Last month he hugged me and said that I was getting fat. He told my dad to slack down on the pie and eat more vegetables mean while he is eating four pieces of pie my dad is only eating one. My mom always talks about how he ruined her child hood and how he compares her and my uncle ken to his favorite child bill. He even compares me and my sister to bills children. That is why I don’t think people can change that easily because my grandfather will obviously never change.

  5. In the story, “The Christmas Carol,” Scrooge changes a lot and I do believe that people can change as much as Scrooge did. In the beginning Scrooge was really mean to people, but after he saw the past, present,and future he realized that he needed to do things differently. For example, before he was unkind to people. When someone said “Merry Christmas”, Scrooge would say “Bah Humbug” and show no respect for anyone or anything. But, after the ghosts came he said “Merry Christmas” to everyone and was more pleasant. I believe people can change because they could be mean and realize that being a kind person will make their life easier and become nicer. For instance, if one of your loved ones is in the army it can affect the way you treat people. You could be really worried that they might get hurt and treat people really badly. Any situation can affect you or change you.

  6. Scrooge changed because in the beginning he was really mean. He did not give money to the poor and he never liked Christmas. But at the end Scrooge changed. He was really nice. He was donating money to the poor and enjoying Christmas.

    I think people can change like Scrooge because they can watch a video or look at pictures to help them change. Also, when someone has a baby it can change people. They can see that you have to be nice and not talk as loud. You also have to be more responsible. Thinking about my own life, my sister would change if she went to Africa and saw how poor people are there. As a result, she would probably not ask for a lot of make-up and other things like that.

    People can change like Scrooge did.

  7. After being visited by the ghosts of Christmas past , present and future scrooge changed his ways. The ghost of Christmas past showed him when he first lost him Christmas spirit. The ghost of Christmas present showed him tiny Tim's family and how hard they struggled. The ghost of Christmas future showed him how disliked he was , no one showed up at his funeral. Everyone said good riddens scrooge is dead. This all made scrooge change his behavior and he became very generous. Yes ,I do believe people can change if they want to With the help of friends.

  8. According to Act 2 at the North Shore Music Theatre, Scrooge has changed in various ways. He hated Christmas and being with friends and family. After the Ghost of Present came and showed Scrooge what was going on, Scrooge thought about it and started to like all three of those things. He is so nice to everyone and eats dinner with everyone too. He gives a surplus of his money to support the poor.
    I think someone could change as Scrooge did, from being grumpy and cranky, to being friendly and kind. If you put your mind to something you think about doing, it can actually happen one day, like how it happened to Scrooge. A long time ago, my dad used to smoke. One day he got really sick. On that day, he put his mind to stop smoking and he did! As you can see, people can change if they want to. My dad did and Scrooge did.

  9. I think Scrooge has changed over time by being nicer and have the ghost visiting him. Also, he has changed by liking Christmas so much that he had dinner with his nephew and family.

    Yes, I do believe that people can change as much as Scrooge did because he hated Christmas and being with friends and family. Now that Scrooge thinks about it he, loves being with his friends and family on Christmas Day. Also, he supports the poor and he did not when he was all grumpy and not nice.

    When I was 5 years old my grandfather never liked Easter Sunday. I always said “Grampy, why don’t you like Easter?” His response was, “I just don’t believe it is a holiday.” As the day went on he started to make and find Easter eggs. My Grandfather changed and now likes Easter just like Scrooge liking Christmas.

  10. Scrooge, in the beginning of the story, was rude. He didn’t give to charity, he didn’t go visit his only nephew and his nephew’s wife, and he didn’t pay Cratchit enough. At the end of the story, he was the nicest person there ever was. He would give to charity every time he could.

    I believe that people can change because many people give up smoking every day. My sister and I used to not get along at all, but now we are like best friends; so we both changed.

  11. How fast Scrooge changed was miraculous! People change whether it’s for better or worse. But, I believe change takes time, it’s not something that happens overnight. I suppose it might be different if you are visited by three ghosts that are telling you what has been, what is present and what will be. My Great Uncle Peter used to be an old grumpy man and was extremely ungrateful at times. As a child, I was afraid of him. One day, Uncle Pete’s blood sugar was too high (he has diabetes), and he fell to the floor and couldn’t get up. The ambulance came because his caretaker walked in and saw that he couldn’t get up. But, if someone wasn’t there for him he could have died. I think he really thought about it and realized life isn’t forever and it’s better to care about people and be nice. Since then, he has been nice.

    People do change or at least that is what I believe. Scrooge never did anything for others and always had an awful attitude toward the nicest people. That is how my uncle was. For Scrooge, his life was put in perspective when he saw the future and how no one cared when he died because he was so mean. That can really change a person, even in real life situations. Scrooge also drastically changed his attitude towards others because he lost the love of his life. That happened to my great uncle, too and it is something that could most likely scar someone forever. But, eventually you have to move on with life.

    Scrooge and my uncle both moved on with their life and became really awesome people. They changed for the better. So yes, people can change, just maybe not as fast as Scrooge did.

  12. Yes, I think people can change.
    Look at Scrooge; he changed in a good way! Scrooge, before he changed, was a grumpy old miser who hated people and Christmas and had no friends. After the Ghosts of the Christmas Past, Present and Future visited him, he changed from mean to happy and people started to like him. He saw how poor Tiny Tim's family lived and it changed his perspective. The ghosts helped him change his perspective too. The ghosts reminded him of past things and they showed him what future things would look like. This made him a bit emotional. He realized how great his nephew’s wife was and what he was missing out on: family.

    If people put their mind to what they want to do and they try harder and harder and never give up, they can accomplish it with help from friends and family. For example, if you’re trying to stop smoking, you can take feedback from friends and family and make a goal. Your goal might be to take the amount of cigarettes you usually smoke and reduce them by one every day. Eventually you will have none to reduce from and you are done! Now you are a changed person, see how easy it is? Anyone can completely change.

  13. Scrooge's life changed extensively in the book and in the play. He was visited by 4 ghosts. There was Marly,the ghost of Cristmas past,present and future. When the ghosts came, Scrooge was frightend.The ghosts got Scrooge to look at how he has treated every-one.Scrooge saw how happy they where even though they did not have much money.Then, he was much more pleasent to everone.

    seeing Scrooge change makes me think that people can change if they try hard enough. Anything is possible if you have a positive attitude.

  14. Scrooge was cranky and mean but when the 3 ghosts came to visit and showed him how he was acting he realized he should change. He is nice and is giving money to the destitute now. I believe people can change if they are acting bad. They can look at past things that they have done and they would change. Scrooge realizes money can't buy happiness. Family and friends are more important to him now. That is how Scrooge changed and how other people can too.

  15. Scrooge has changed in many ways. Scrooge changed by being nice. He looked at the way he was acting and realized that he needs to be nice to people and enjoy Christmas. People can change and try to help people. I sometimes realize when I do things that are wrong that I should not have done it. I look back on it and say to myself, why did I do that? Scrooge is doing the same thing. When Scrooge finally thinks about what he is doing wrong he changes a lot. Anyone can completely if they really want to.

  16. Throughout the play scrooge acts mean and greedy. But after the three ghosts visited he changed in many ways. After the hauntings scrooge visits his nephew every week. He used to never visit him. Also he donates to the poor when the collectors come. Scrooge buys a goose and brings it to the Crachit's house.

    Today, I don't think people could change like this. Ghosts don't come and haunt people.

  17. If I had known scrooge for a very long time I wouldn’t have thought he could change. He went for a ungrateful, rude and hateful miser to a loving, caring, grateful human being! I believe that can happen to people. Sometimes it can happen if there is a life changing experience in that person's or they see what happens to other people just like them. If scrooge didn’t change he would have died right then and there. His change was like somebody who was in rehab for months but he did it in one night! I bet when people in the story saw him they would have thought he went crazy! That is the way I thought scrooge changed and I definitely agree that it is possible to change the way scrooge did.

  18. I believe that someone in real life can change the way Scrooge did. It may seem impossible, but nothings impossible when you put your mind to it! In act 1 of "A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley" Scrooge is the nastiest person you will ever meet! While everyone has a smile on their face saying "Merry Christmas!" trying to spread the Christmas cheer, Scrooge comes around with "Bah! Humbug!" on his lips. He treated his worker, Bob Crachit, like he was a slave! It was awful! Bob gets paid 15 shillings a week to provide for his poor, starving family and he gets treated like a piece of trash. Scrooge try's to ruin his own Nephews Christmas! Thank godness that the Nephew didn't care what Scrooge said, he was too excited about Christmas. That night, Scrooge got visited by three ghosts. Which brings us into act 2, the last ghosts (the ghost of Christmas future) brings him to a graveyard and shows him his own grave!!!! Scrooge said to the ghost that he "wasn't the man he was"! Scrooge had to prove it. He was given a second chance and he has been merriest he could be!!!!


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