Monday, December 3, 2012

Letter to Scrooge

With Act 1 complete, we have a pretty good idea of who Scrooge is. This week let's see how creative you can get! 
Write a letter to Scrooge. 

Your letter should be roughly 4 paragraphs. 

  1. State your main point: Scrooge is missing out in life by being cranky and negative with the people around him.
  2. State a specific thing that Scrooge is missing out on. To support your point, include a detail from the play or from your experience.
  3. State another specific thing that Scrooge is missing out on. To support your point, include a detail from the play or from your experience.
  4. Conclude with a summary or a request that Scrooge change his behavior.

Be sure to proofread!
Your letter is due no later than Friday at 5pm!


  1. Dear Ebenezer Scrooge,

    I am reading your story "The Christmas Carol" and am wondering why you are cranky and mean to the ones around you? Wouldn’t it be better if you tried being nicer a little more? The people around you would be extremely nicer to you if you were just a little nicer, and more giving. Someday you are going to need family and friends and they won’t be there for you.

    Secondly, you will miss out on so many things, like Christmas. Christmas is supposed to be a time when family and friends get together and share gifts and stories. You will miss out on a Christmas full of happiness. Who wouldn’t want to spend the best holiday in the world with people who love and care about you?

    Also, you miss out on the feeling of joy that you get when you give to people. For instance, you miss out on the feeling you get when you help the poor. When I share I feel that there is nothing better in the world than the feeling of gratitude. In my case, the magic of giving makes the world go round. Do you ever wonder what it feels like?
    Would you please write back Mr. Scrooge? Tell me that you will try to do this for me and yourself.

    Sincerely your friend,


  2. Dear Ebenezer Scrooge,

    When you’re cranky and negative with people around you they’re not going to want to be around you. They want to be around someone who’s nice and friendly. So maybe if you think about it, wouldn’t it be ten times nicer if you would be nice and not cranky all the time? People would want to be around you if you were less cranky and more nice.

    You’re missing out on a ton of things. For example, you’re missing out on Christmas. If you were nice and not cranky all the time then maybe people would actually want to spend Christmas with you! Christmas is about giving. It’s not all about you and money. It’s about other people. It’s also about being nice to each other.

    Also, you’re missing out on friends. You will need them all throughout your life. When you are lonely you need someone like a friend because a friend is there to talk to and to make you happy. So maybe if you have friends you will not feel so cranky and grumpy all the time.

    My last thing I want to say is do not be self-centered. What I mean by this is that you should give to the poor. If charities ask you to give money, they are doing it for a good cause. Some people are not capable of having a job or making plenty of money like you. You have plenty of money to get through life. These people do not. So think about what I said when they ask you again for money before you say no.

    one of your good friends,
    Melissa C.

  3. Dear Mr. Scrooge,

    Please consider changing your cranky and negative moods towards the people around you. The way you are cranky towards people make them upset because they feel that you do not care about them. When I am cranky people do not want to stay and talk to me because I say grumpy things that hurt their feelings.
    Mr. Scrooge you are missing out on being happy in life because of your negative thoughts. If you would take the time to smile and laugh at things people will want to be around and help you. When I am happy people talk to me and like to help me.
    Mr. Scrooge because of being cranky you are missing out on having friends. Friends are people that care about us and like to go to movie,talk and support us when we need it. I love to be around my friends because it helps me know that if I am feeling either happy,sad,silly or if I want to do something they will be there with me.
    In conclusion Mr. Scrooge you would be happier and have friends if you would just let yourself not be grumpy. I hope that this letter will help you understand why you need to be nice.
    best wishes
    Crystal Muise

    1. December 25,1845
      Dear Crystal,

      Hey Crystal,your letter was not very helpful because it was an insult. When I read your letter I got hurt and said bah humbug. You want to be a wise guy/girl by saying things about me so to you I say bah humbug.

      Crystal are you poor or rich and if you’re poor, you should be quiet. I say this because I have enough money so I can be as negative as I want to be. It’s not ruining my life because I have enough money to last a lifetime.

      I am not miserable, and I have friends. I may not have real friends, but my employee, Bob Cratchit, and my money keep me enough company. I think that I don’t need any more friends because they are annoying and always bothering me,I say bah humbug.

      Crystal I was totally wrong about everything you said. I am sorry about everything thing I said so now I am going to send you the huge turkey in the window at the poulterers. Bob and I are going to go to your house and give you some money for Christmas. Would you like to come to my nephew’s party at 9;30 p.m. After you and the ghosts were done with me I realized that I should be happy during Christmas and support others. I was deeply moved for what you said in it.

      Ebenezer Scrooge

  4. Dear, Ebenezer Scrooge.

    Why are you so cranky and mean in the story The Christmas Carol? I am reading it and everyone is so happy and merry and you are the total opposite of them. People want to be around people who are happy and jolly and since you aren't, you are going to live lonely. You are missing out on people who are great and optomistic and you on the other hand are pessemistic. Cut it out! Don't you ever feel like you should act different or try to be nice anyway? People won't even say one thing to you because they know they won't get an answer or they will get a mean reply. Change. You are missing out on a lot of things.

    First of all there are two things you are missing out on among others. One thing is the simple joy of a family dinner because you can have a delicious meal and be with people at the same time. Sure they might be people you don't really like but they might be learning how to communicate just like you. Try other things, dont be selfish because they are poor or other reasons. Step out of your little bubble and observe a little.

    Secondly, you are missing out on the wonderful joy of the CHRISTMAS SPIRIT!! When you step out of your door, what do you see? Well you see merry people celebrating the wonderful holiday and seeing snow fall down(not swatting it with a cane like you) and jumping and skipping around having fun maybe looking weird while you look miserable and blah. Seeing people in the giving mood brings happiness to everyone. If you dont like the holiday don't leave your house or act a little by giving money to the poor or giving other things. People don't like selfish and greedy people. Sadly people already don't like you.

    Clearly, I wish you would put yourself in someone elses shoes (maybe a poor person) and see how they live and hopefully you will see what living in destitute is like and give them a little or a lot of money or food. You are one of the richest people there and yeah it must be great but it isn"t like that for them. They are all happy with a sweatshirt or anything with what they have. Don't be selfish! Get some joy in your life, get a bigger heart don't be a grinch!

    1. Dear Molly J,
      Your message was a very big help I really enjoyed reading it. You made me realize how much of a bad man I was and how my actions were very inappropriate. At first I was mad at all the mean things that were said but i realized everyone thinks that way about me and your message has really encouraged me to be a better man. Thank you.
      I want to address the part when you asked "Why are you cranky all the time". I was cranky all the time and to be honest with you I myself don't even know why I was cranky. All I know is that I have changed and I am not as mean anymore I now go up to people and say hello and I do not swat at snow anymore. I have really changed.
      I never realized how much fun Christmas is I never knew how much I loved being in the CHRISTMAS SPIRIT like you said. When you said that I was missing out on Christmas I thought to myself I know. Now that I have been in the Christmas spirit I am never turning on Christmas again.
      I will never go back to being the mean grumpy scrooge again I promise. I will stick to being the nice guy and giving money to people in need,watching the snow fall, and treat people with respect and I will always respect Marley, ghost of Christmas past, ghost of Christmas present, the ghost of Christmas future, and you. Thank you.

      Thank you,

      Ebenezer Scrooge

  5. Dear Scrooge,

    Why are you so mean and cranky. There are so many nice people around you that are nice and getting into the Christmas spirit. You have such a negative attitude towards everything and everyone. It makes me feel bad for you.

    You are missing out on everything. Christmas is so much fun and you should be having good times with your co-workers and family. When the poor people asked you for money you were very rude. You would have made them so happy if you gave them money.

    Another thing you are missing is being with your family. Family is a very important part of someone's life. They can make you feel happy and not miserable. You are also missing out on being with friends. Friends are fun to be with and to hang out with.

    Scrooge I wish you would change your attitude about Christmas, family and friends. You are missing out on a lot things. Please try to think about what I have said.

    Cody B.

  6. Dear Ebenezer Scrooge,
    Why are you so irritable in the Christmas Carol? There’s no need to hate Christmas, it’s the most wonderful time of the year! What’s so bad about Christmas that you can’t stand?
    You are missing out on all the exhilarating Christmas activities. For example, picking out and decorating a Christmas tree, making a gingerbread house, spending time with family, singing Christmas Carols and so much more. You’re missing out on spending your time with family. I know if I couldn’t spend time with my family on Christmas I would be very upset because Christmas is the best time to spend with family. People spread joy and give presents.
    You are also missing out on having friends. You don’t have any friends because you don’t care to make any. I know if I didn’t have any friends my life would be boring.It’s not that hard to make friends, you just have to be nice to them! For instance, don’t yell at them or be disrespectful because they won’t want to be your friend.
    You should be polite to people because you will go so far in life if you just show respect. Clearly, you should not be selfish because you have much more money than the poor.


    1. Dear Brittany,

      You are absolutely right, I should be a lot less "irritable" during this time of the year shouldn't I? You're advice was taken to heart and I will be honest, it changed me. Thank you for that.

      I do miss my family i whole lot, maybe i should be nicer to them. i always felt a bit guilty for talking to them like that. Especially my nephew, he was just trying to spread Christmas cheer and i was just "hating on Christmas"

      That's also true, i don't have any friends. I should probably make some shouldn't it? I suppose i can be a bit nicer to people and try to spread some Christmas cheer. Thank you so much for your letter!

      scrooge (Elizabeth R)

  7. Dear Scrooge,

    You are missing out on life because you’re always cranky. You’re always negative towards people and don’t give them a chance. You turn out lights on people when they’re having fun caroling. Also, you give people dirty looks and talk in a grumpy mood to them. You never help the poor when they need help. How would you feel if you needed money and you didn’t get any?

    Scrooge, you are missing out on Christmas. Whenever people are caroling to you, you always give them dirty looks. Whenever people say “Merry Christmas, God bless you,” you’re always saying “Bah, Humbug” or “Good afternoon.” You’re just neglecting them and that’s rude because then they don’t feel special because on Christmas, you’re supposed to express yourself and be nice to eachother.

    Secondly, you’re missing out on being apart of your friends’ and family’s lives. Your nephew is always coming to you and saying “Merry Christmas,” and you don’t want any part of him or his family. You said to him “I’d rather be dead instead of spending time with your family.” Your nephew must’ve felt so bad in his heart but you don’t realize that because he might not show it or you just don’t care half of the time.

    Clearly, you should really change your behavior by caring for people more or being nice to people. You should think of the poor more and think of putting yourself in their shoes. See how you would feel. You’re one of the richest people in the city so why not give some money or food? Don’t always be so negative or rude! So try not to be so critical or selfish because you can change yourself to be a wonderful, nice man and someone that people can enjoy being around and not being scared. You can acually enjoy Christmas!

    Aurora Billante

  8. Dear Mr. Scrooge,

    Why are you so mean in the story the “A Christmas Carol”? I think you should change your attitude because you are so negative. On Christmas day people want to be happy and joyful, but you Mr. Scrooge, you are all grumpy and saying “Bah Humbug.” You are missing out on being a part of your friends and family’s lives.

    When it’s Christmas, you ignore everybody on the streets and other people. Everybody is shouting “Merry Christmas” while they are happy and cheerful. Your own newphew came up up to you and said “Merry Christmas” and you just ignored him and said “Bah Humbug.” The holidays are great and you are meant to be with your family and you don’t like to be with them.

    Secondly, on Christmas you are supposed to be with your family and not working like you are. You should appreciate your gifts and people saying “Merry Christmas.”

    Clearly, I think you should put yourself in someone’s shoes (maybe a destitute person). You would be happy when Christmas comes because you will realize what Christmas is really about. I think you would be a whole other person and a happier person who enjoys life.

    1. December 26, 1835

      Dear Taylor,

      My dear friend, thank you for the eye opening letter. You have helped me open my stubborn, ungrateful eyes, and I can now bear life with a smile painted upon my face. I truly have changed, and for the better, too. My heart ached when I read how I was morose and negative towards the cheerful and benevolent souls on the street, but you are right, and I am now trying to apologize to each and every one of them.

      Though my greatest regret about my behavior, is neglecting my beloved sister’s son, who truly is my only family left on this Earth. He was put in my care and I have refused to show love and compassion to a man whose soul is pure. I have apologized to him, and he accepted me with opened arms as though he has been ready to do so for years.

      I have indulged myself in my work not because I enjoy it or need money, but because I needed something to live for, and consume my lonesome days. Now that I have my family and friends back, I don’t work nearly as much, and have even payed my employes a larger salary.

      Thank you again for the inspiring letter. You have shone a light upon my descending darkness, and I am forever grateful and in your debt.

      Ebenezer Scrooge.

  9. Dear Scrooge,

    You are so cranky to everyone. You should be nice to people. You should give money to the poor. For example, my mom said “treat people like you want to be treated,” and I do. But, you don’t, why?

    Christmas is a happy holiday. You can get out of school and your job. On Christmas day you can eat with your family and friends. You can even get gifts from people or give gifts.Then, you can build snowman when it snows and have a snowball fight. Next, you can even decorate a Christmas tree.

    I think you should spend more time with your nephew. You only had a sister and she died. The only famlily you have is your nephew. You must feel alone.

    Clearly, that’s why you need to be nicer to people. So you can have friends and family. Money doesn’t matter .

    Erik p

    1. Dear Erik,

      Thank you for sending me that letter and telling me about how I am cranky to people. You also told me that I should be nice to people around me and that I should donate money to the poor.Thank you a lot for changing me around to be kinder and to respect people in a manner how I want to be respected.

      On Christmas day I woke up very excited and joyful. I got out of my bed and went to see the two gentlemen that asked me to donate money for the poor. The other day they had asked me but unfortunately I didn't donate. When I found them I told them to come and see me and we will make a deal in how much I'm going to donate for the poor.When I told them about it they were excited about seeing me the next day.

      When they left I ran to my nephew’s house and apologized for being so “morose”. I asked him if I could go inside and have dinner with them. For the rest of the day we had a good Christmas day.

      Thank you Erik for changing my life and putting me on the right track. Now my life is happy and I have stopped being cranky and mean.Thank you one more time for the letter that you sent me. It was very helpful to me and my life.Now I share more time with my nephew. You were right money doesn't matter .

      Mr Ebenezer Scrooge

    2. December 26, 1867

      Dear Erik,

      Thank you for the letter that you wrote to me. Now I will not be cranky again. Now I will try to help people by giving money to people in need. Then they can have their Christmas on time and the kids can have their presents and their dinner. Now I will be a good man.

      I will have a happy Christmas with my family and my friends. I will give presents to Tiny Tim and my nephew Fred. Giving presents makes me feel happy. We will decorate and then eat dinner.

      I feel sad about my sister because she died, but I still have her in my heart. I can still be happy and have a good Christmas with my nephew and Tiny Tim. I will spend all my time with Tiny Tim. I will help him with school and help him get better. I will help him heal his legs..

      Now I feel very happy with everybody and I will spend all my time with my family and friends.

      Ebenezer Scrooge


    3. December 11,1844

      Dear Erik P,

      Thank you for the letter it was a great one.It was very helpful and kind.Your right i should be closer to my nephew becuase hes my only family member.I used alot of your5 advice and it really helped me .Now im more nice and i am mot as cranky as i was before.I never refuse to go to any dine Becuase its really fun when you go for the frist time.

      Also you and my nephew are right Christmas is a great holiday.When you told me that Christmas was a happy holiday i didn't believe you but when i went to my nephews for the first time it was really great .Now i believe you and thanks for the advice.All the advice that you have been giving me is great and its been changing my life so much and now im feeling great in life now.You have gave me alot of reasons to love Christmas so much now.

      I Didn’t forget that you told me you don't have to go to your job,I could eat with my family and also get and give gifts.Its so great now and i've given a raise to Cratchit so he can have money to Provide food For his family.I've also given alot of gifts so people so they could be happy and wealthy.I now love eating with my family more than what i did before reading this.My nephew and his wife are like so close to me now sence i have been going to the dine.

      Once again thanks for everything you told me has changed my life.I will never take anything for granted ever again.I've learned to never be a mean old guy.Once again thank you for all you have done you had changed my life so much.


      Ebenezer Scrooge

  10. Dear Ebenezer Scrooge,

    Why are you stingy? Just give to the charity! Stop being so negative! What’s up with the “Bah! Humbug!”?

    You are missing out on so many things like Christmas. Christmas is so great because you get to spend time with your family, cook great food, and eat it. You can get amazing presents! For example, last year I got aIpad2. You can buy presents and give them to your family and friends. This will make them feel good.

    You are also missing out on happiness. If you are happy you get many friends. If you have friends you enjoy life.
    Clearly, you should be nice to people. If you’re nice to people, then people would be nice to you. You will enjoy life


  11. Dear scrooge
    I think you are a very selfish person you wouldn’t even give any money to the portly man. Your business partner gave them money and he is poor.

    I hope that the ghosts show you the scrooge. I hope they make you cry. They should take away all your money so you would know what it feels like.

    Scrooge your nephew does not even want to come see you .you shove your family away and no one want to come see you

  12. Dear Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge,
    Yes. The word has been going around about you "hating" christmas. "Bah! Humbug!" I think you called it. Well my question is, why? Why are you the nastiest person during the holidays? You miss out on the best time of the year. What are you missing? Well, just about everything.

    Firstly, all you care about is yourself. Christmas is all about giving and joy. All you are is selfish and mean. You have basically, all the money in the world! What about someone who is destitute. How do you think they feel when they have nothing (especially over the holiday season). Stop counting your money and try to put yourself in poor, lonely, people's shoes, for once. Try to give back, maybe add a "Merry Christmas" or a "Happy Holidays" to put a smile on their face.

    Secondly, be happy! Don't forget the Christmas spirit! I always see you all grumpy and rude to everyone! Friends, apprentices, even family. When your Nephew came to see you on Christmas eve, all you did was just sitting there being grumpy while your Nephew is trying to make the best things. Your bad attitude is bringing everyone down, did you ever think of that?

    Clearly, you need to clean up your act. Get some Christmas cheer by starting with something small. Perhaps, caroling with neighbors, giving back to the destitute people, being nicer to your clerks, and apologizing to your nephew. Maybe have Christmas dinner with him and his/your family.
    Good luck to you and Merry Christmas!
    Yours truly,
    Ts Burnham

    1. January 5th, 1850

      Dear Ts Burnham,

      Thank you for this. It helped me learn I can be a different man and I have concluded to be. I did not see how bad my behavior was and I hope the people I was rude to will pity me and give their forgiveness. I am very sorry for my actions and will start changing for the better.

      I know my love for money and my greed has gotten me to be a very selfish cruel man. I was missing the christmas spirit and how it could have made me cheery. I thought it was just a dumb useless holiday thats used to take money from man, but now I see that it’s not all about the present the food or anything its about the time you cherish with your family and friends. I was just not seeing the magic that everyone else was seeing.

      I now see that being happy is something that could've helped me, especially being happy with my nephew. He is my only family and I chose to be a miser every time he would invite me to dinner. I see that he loves me and I am going to try and make peace with him I only hope he will allow me to join him and his wife who now that I think about it I’ve never met,which upsets me Ts.

      Thank you again I have learned many things from you and I am going to use those lessons in my life. I will never take anything for granted again. I will make sure my nephew knows of my appreciation for him and christmas. This letter will change my life drastically. I will never forget this. Thank you.

      Sincerely your friend,

      Ebenezer Scrooge

  13. Dear Scrooge,

    I wonder why you don’t like Christmas. Christmas is a time for happiness and family. When you’re mean people don’t like you. If you were nice you would have a happier Christmas.

    Christmas is a time to be humble, cheerful, and nice. In addition, Christmas is a time to give to people, such as the poor or the homeless. Maybe if you put yourself in a poor person’s shoes then you would realize how bad it is. If a poor/homeless person got the chance to be in your place they would probably take it all in.

    There are two things you are missing out on among others. One thing is the simple joy of a family dinner. You can have a delicious meal and be with people you love at the same time. Don’t be selfish or mean because that will get you nowhere in life. Get out of that mean cage and be more respectful of others.

    You are also missing out on the friendliness of others. When you get the kindness of others it feels good. Saying, “Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! “Instead of “Bah, Hum Bug!” is better because you will have more friends and people will like you more. People have feelings. It hurts when they say such kind things when they pass you by and you just give them a frown or a scowl.

    It’s not hard to say hello or just how are you. It makes a difference in a person’s day. Just try to be more kind to the people around you!



  14. Dear Ebenezer Scrooge,
    I have been reading about you and your selfish ways of living. You hoard all of your money and never give a cent to the poor or anyone for that matter. I do give to charities around Christmas every year and I’m only 12. If you were not this way, Mr. Scrooge, don’t you think you might be just a little less lonely? You could have had a family and friends the most important people in the World. The ones who care.

    Mr. Scrooge you are definitely missing out on life big time! What is left of your family cares about a lot more than you would ever know. Yet you don’t care a single ounce back. If you did not have such a nasty attitude toward everything even Christmas. You know you had a chance for happiness that was ruined by money. You could have had a Wife and Children of your own, If it wasn’t for money doesn’t that bother you at all?

    You have been shutting yourself out of the world for far too long! There are many dear old friend to you I am sure that you’ve forgotten about and cared for you such as your apprentice friend. An example of not even caring for your friends is Jacob Marley your departed business partner to whom you were chief mourner, for his funeral. Though as I believe you were a man of great business on the day of his funeral, right? I strongly think that you Mr. Scrooge have been a greety man and it has done you no good.

    Money has not enlightened the world around you. It has absolutely destroyed your attitude towards everyone and everything. I hope someday you will understand the meaning of being kind.

    Sincerely Your Reader,
    Emily Whitmore

  15. Dear Scrooge,

    Since you’re cranky and mean you’re missing out on all the joy and happiness that the world is full of. During Christmas if you’re cranky you won't enjoy it with friends and family, instead you will ruin any possible chances of making friends.

    One thing you are missing out on is the wonderful time you could have. Even though being a crank feels like it works for you, it's not an excuse to push away the people who care about you. For example, your nephew was just trying to invite you to a party were you can have fun. Then you, Mr. Scrooge, were mean and cranky about it! You might miss out on a wonderful party.

    Another thing you are missing out on is the joy of making people happy. You are so mean to Bob Cratchit and that makes him sad. He has a sick boy and you’re not even taking that in consideration. If you would help him, or at least give him Christmas off then you might actually feel happy with yourself. You are really missing out and that's not a good thing.

    In conclusion, you have to be nicer and respect the people around you so that you are less grumpy. You might even make some friends.


    1. December 26, 1843

      Dear Yvette,

      Thank you for the letter you sent me. It really impacted my life and the way I spoke to many people for example Mrs. Dilber. Now we are best friends we take walks around the park together and give money to the poor. I let my worker Bob Cratchit work only five hours a day so that he may go home to his family, and the best news is that we are putting all our money together to make Tiny Tim healthy.

      I realized that I was missing out on singing Christmas carols and it made me morose to even think about it. So I solved my problems. On Christmas day I got up and invited my nephew, his wife, and Bob Cratchit's family to go Christmas Caroling with me, oh how happy I was after. Now I am a new man I go out every Christmas Eve to sing Christmas Carols for the kind people in my village. I spend all my money on the poor and for Tiny Tim. He is getting better every day. Soon he will be walking again and not on the brink of death.

      Another thing I realized that I was missing out on was going to my nephew’s dinner party. When I showed up at his door he was as happy as gold. He was very happy that I had joined him for dinner that he gave me a pile of food to take home. I couldn’t take that food for I would just turn greedy again. So I said “My dear Nephew I cannot take this food I will give it to Bob Cratchit he needs it more than I do.” He was so shocked but took me down to Bob’s house anyway. What a surprise Bob got. I can remember the look on his face. Why he was as happy as a puppy that had a treat the size of a whale. Tiny Tim was jumping about with Martha by his side. Mrs. Cratchit, and Mr. Cratchit embraced each other filled with joy. We all sat down at their round table, which was filled with pudding, cakes, and drinks too. Then we enjoyed a splendid meal. After my change in my behavior Mrs. Cratchit started to take a liking to me and trusted me from then on. Word spread around the town that everyone must meet Ebenezer Scrooge, for he is the sweetest person on earth.

      Thank you so much for your letter it impacted my life for now I am best friends with Mrs. Dilber. I support Mr. Cratchit's family, and I even give money to the poor. I will never take things for granted anymore, because I have learned that it will only make you greedy and a miser old man like I once was. I have learned a many great things from you my friend and I will never forget you or the letter you sent me.

      Your Friend,

      Ebenezer Scrooge

    2. Dear Yvette,

      Thank you for the delightful letter it was very helpful . I used your advice and I was less cranky,and mean and I went to my nephews dinner party . He thought I was losing my mind . I sent a huge turkey To Mr Cratchit .

      I did miss out on making friends a lot . I did what you said and I met some new friends such as that one boy Adam . I asked him to go get the turkey from the poulterers . I said I would give him half a crown if he got here in less than 5 minutes.

      I also was very selfish back then but I have changed more in the past couple of the days then I have in my whole life. I have donated a lot of shillings to the poor. Bah Humbug! I don't even know what it means anymore.

      Thank you so much for the letter I will treasure it forever and ever .
      It has changed my life so much . Thank you Yvette .

      Your Friend,

  16. Dear Srooge,

    Let me ask you a question. Do you have a reason to be this grumpy? Or do you just like to make everybody else’s life miserable? You have no idea what you’re missing during Christmas! Everybody’s jolly during Christmas, but not you.
    You make Bob Cratchit’s life miserable. He works for hour and hours and you never let him go. Don’t you think he should be able to spend more time with his family, especially on Christmas?
    You are missing out on so much in life. Your nephew Fred, maybe he’d like to see you once in a while. Why don’t you go do something with all that money. Go have some fun. Go and get out once in a while.
    Here’s some good advice to you, Scrooge. Why don’t you cleanse yourself of all that bad stuff you’ve done, and fill it with family and friends, and joy and happiness.


    Tony P.

  17. Dear Mr. Scrooge,

    You are missing out on the Christmas spirit. Why do you hate Christmas? Christmas is about seeing your family and friends and a time of love.

    Every Christmas you don’t even think about the time people put into caroling on your door step or making nice things. You don’t say hello to people on the streets when they would say hello you are just plain mean to people.

    When people wished you a Merry Christmas you would say “Humbug.” You’re just being rude for no reason. When people looked up with amazement he didn't think to look up and see the beautiful sight of snowflakes. Everyone was jumping with joy and, you Mr. Scrooge was there not caring looking the hopeless old man he was.

    All I am asking is that you are nicer to everyone, even people you don’t know well. Say hello to people you maybe don’t talk to.

    Sarah A

  18. Dear Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge,
    You are the grouchiest person I have ever heard in my life. Why do you have to be so upset and mean all of the time? you are driving away everyone you meet for money and wealth. Have you ever given someone a gift for christmas, birthdays, or anything in general? I doubt it.
    The main thing you are missing out on is happiness. People are being scared of you and don’t like you because of your greed. Furthermore, you think that money is everything when you can be happy for giving people gifts which is very, very nice. If you weren't so obsessed with wealth you probably would have been able to find love with somebody special. But when you had that chance you pushed them away for money and more wealth.That is why you are missing out on happiness.
    You are also missing out on friends and family. You meet them but you are always in such a bad mood you push them away. You even tried to push away you own nephew but yet he still loves you because of the person you used to be. He is trying to show you how to love and enjoy life and like it more than what is is now. That is why you are missing out on friends and family.
    Now that you know what you are missing out on and how you could change could you please change to a better human being of people than yourself.

    Chris m.

  19. December 27, 1843

    Dear Jett,

    Thank You for the letter. It was very very kind and encouraging.

    Saying “Bah! Humbug!” is not very nice. I will say Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year every year from now on.

    I was missing out on all the fun with friends and family. I am terribly sorry for being greedy and mean. I will support my nephew and my sister and my family by buying them some Christmas gifts and sharing my fortune with them. No, money cannot make me happy because it would be so unkind of me to be obsessed with money.

    I wouldn’t take money with me when I die, but I will take the money for the whole family and share the money with them when I’m alive. Thank you for encouraging me to be less cranky and mean and more happy and more nicer.

    When my fiance left me, it was so sad and I cried. I wish I cared more about Belle than money. We could be back together again. Your letter has taught me to be more kind and generous and more kind. Thank you now I am closer than ever to my family.

    Your Friend,

  20. Dear Kayla
    Thank you for your letter. I was negative and mean but I fixed those problems and you have changed my entire life which is excellent now. You are right about everything. If I was happier I would have had a lot better Christmas which you are right about that.

    Yes I was greedy and selfish but I'm not now because of your letter. You were right I should not said humbug to christmas because it will hurt people's feelings. It’s about getting together with your family. I have change my whole life.

    I took your advice and did apologize to my nephew. Then I said can I go to your house at Christmas day and have dinner with you. He said yes and I had a wonderful time with him so thank you. I had time to get to know him better.

    Thank you for changing my life and making it the best one I ever could've asked for. I would never be so selfish and greedy like was in the past. I would always respect people and be a good person. You have changed my entire life so thank you once again and have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year.



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