Monday, January 14, 2013

Looking at Lyrics

As we continue to learn about powerful writing I want you to consider what makes a piece of writing so interesting. How will you truly capture your audience's attention? I think it may be helpful if we think about music first. What makes a song so catchy or engaging? 

This week I want you to think about one of your favorite (appropriate) songs. Look up the lyrics. (AZ Lyrics is usually a good site to do so). Examine the lyrics. 
Are they powerful? Are they catchy? Why do you think so? Is there figurative language in it? (Metaphors, Similes, Personification etc...)  What does the song mean?

Write at least 8 sentences that answer some of these questions and ultimately express why this is one of your favorite songs. Your post is due no later than Friday at 5pm. PROOFREAD YOUR WORK!


  1. Every time I hear this song on the radio it makes me smile. I can sing along to it because I know every lyric.
    I don’t have a favorite song but this is on the top of the list of the ones I love. This song is “Home” by Phillip Phillips.
    Every time I hear this song this is the message I understand:
    Even though things are not clear right now you have to trust me. You might be lost on your path, but I will welcome you into my heart and help you find your way to where you belong.
    This is powerful because many people don’t always know where to turn next they get off track in their life. This message means so much to me because I have people in my life that have gone through this and many people have tried to help. Just like in this song.
    This teaches me that someone always someone there for you.

  2. I like a variety of songs but the one that has a meaning to me is "I Knew you were Trouble" by Taylor Swift. When I get older and find a guy, I want to know whether he is a good person or not. I want to know right away before my heart gets broken over him. The lyrics "Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in. So shame on me now" makes me really want to pay attention to the guy I choose. “Now I heard you moved on, from whispers on the street, a new notch in your belt is all I'll ever be.” Those lyrics also help me to try not getting used by a guy I actually liked. The song is catchy and it had some valuable advice too.

  3. My favorite song in the whole wide world is “Superhero” by Cher Loyd. The song is about this boy that she liked and he used her. This is powerful because many people experience this. This teaches me to be careful with boys. I ultimately like this song because I can relate to it. It also is about trust and how easily someone can break your trust. I have experienced broken promises before and it was upsetting. Listening to this song makes me feel better because I am not the only one going through such a thing.

  4. I chose the song “Breaking the Habit” by Linkin Park. To me this song is very powerful and sends a strong message. The song means to break away from the crowd and be yourself, to not follow what people do. For instance, in the song it says “ it’s not going to go alright, if I want to go this far, so I’m breaking the habit, I’m breaking the habit tonight.” This phrase of the song tells people that if he keeps following those people he’ll blend in and not be unique. So instead he is turning his back on the crowd and being himself. The second reason why I like this song is that it’s extremely catchy and you can rock out and dance to it. Even though it’s a rock song, it is upbeat enough to dance to. In addition, it uses a bunch of figurative language. For instance, “I don't want to be the one the battles always choose” is an example of personification because battles can’t choose what they do. Also, there is so much more figurative language such as similes and metaphors. The reason the song is so powerful to me is that in 5th grade I was having a hard time being myself and I always wanted to be someone other than myself. But, after I heard that song I realized that it was better to be myself and to not follow the crowd.

  5. The reason that I like Carrie Underwood song “Blown Away” is because the of the meaning. The meaning of this song is to let go of your past and to do whatever you have to keep yourself happy. When she says “Till there’s nothing left standing, Nothing left to yesterday” she’s telling us that she is letting go of her past and we should too. The son is also powerful because of all the figurative language. For example when she says “Those storm clouds gather in her eyes” it’s an example of a metaphor. What it’s stating is that she is going to cry. Because of the meaning and because of the figurative language it is my favorite song.

  6. The song "One Thing" by One Direction is my favorite song. It is about loving someone, but not being noticed. The lyrics catchy because there is a good beat that is easy to sing along with. They use figurative language. One example is the second verse. "Shot me out of the sky, You're my kryptonite, You keep making me weak, Yeah, frozen and can"t breathe". The verse simile that shows how confusing his feelings are. This is my favorite because he put hie heart out in the open, hoping she will give him hers and love him back. that is something most people are afraid to do.

  7. Music can give you the power to carry on. My favorite song of all time is "Mean" by Taylor Swift. I like this song a lot because it gives me the power to keep on going with my life no matter who or what tries to stop me. The lyrics are really empowering. They are saying that even if someone is acting like a jerk now, and even if they think they are better than you, in a couple of years you will be successful and they will be the one who is lonely. Some of the lyrics have similes, they use the similes to not only make the song more interesting, but to make the song mean more to a person. This song means a lot to me and I can only imagine the time when people can stop being mean to each other. A time, when the dark gray storm clouds can be replaced with sun. But, until then I am satisfied with listening to this song.

  8. The songI chose was "My House Party". It gets me pumped up for football. We listen to this song before a football game. It's say welcome to my house party which could mean welcome to the game. I think it gets everyone pumped up. I have heard this at the high school football games too. Because of this song I think our football could do an awesome job. It gets you really motivated.

  9. The song I picked was "Bad Day". This song makes me feel happy when I am sad. One line in particular. It states "You had a bad day the cameras don't lie". This line means that when you are sad people notice. Negativity affects every one if you are negative the people around you will be. This song expresses the true meaning of affecting the people around you. If you listen to this song I promise you will be cheered up.


  10. My favorite song is “It’s Always a Good Time” by Carli-Ray Jepsen. I think the song is catchy because it repeats itself so it gets stuck in your head. I think the words can be powerful if you understand the lyrics to the song. I think the song is saying “we don’t care about any thing that happens; we will always stay positive and we will always have a good time, even if something bad happens.” Overall, I think it’s a song that people should live by because it’s so powerful.

  11. The song i picked is "They Don't Know About Us" That song makes me feel happy because it reminds me of someone special. This line "They don't know how special you are". That line means that your special to someone who really cares about you. And this line "But I bet you if they only knew, They would be jealous of us" It's my favorite line in the whole entire song!

  12. The song I chose was, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" by IZ .I think this song is really powerful and moving .Sometimes you think things can't get any worse then they are but, "somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue".It's saying that things can always get better .It also says, "blue birds fly" that means every thing will be mellow and calm .IZ's song, says where dreams that you dream of all come true .They may not all come true ,but they are improving all the time .You could have great success in your life.

  13. "We gonna party like it's 3012 tonight" How catchy is that? Who doesn't want to party like it's 3012? “Beauty And A Beat” by Justin Bieber is a very attractive song. This song isn’t powerful, it’s just catchy. It’s that kind of song when everytime you hear it, you have to get up and dance. All of Justin Bieber’s songs have passionate meanings and he makes sure his fans can relate to every song. This one it all upbeat and entertaining. It’s talking about having a really good time and partying like there’s no tomorrow. When I am in the car and this song comes on, I have to jump around because it’s that kind of song, that when you listen to it, you can’t stay in your seat. It’s that mind blowing. The line, “We gonna party like it’s 3012 tonight” is the only simile in the song because when Justin writes his song, he doesn’t think about similes and metaphors, he writes what he’s going threw and so that little kids will be able to understand the lyrics too!

  14. The song I like is "I Cry" by Flo Rida. I like the song because the lyrics are very nice meaningful to me. It has catchy rythum and it's upbeat. It makes me in good mood and once I hear it is stuck in my head and I want to hear it. I hear it on the radio and I am glad when I hear it.

  15. My favorite song of all time has to be "You Only Live Once" by Suicide Silence. Most people listen to pop or rap but I listen to hard rock. This song is really powerful to me because everyday I get kinda nagged by my mom,and some friends annoy me daily and teaches pass out paper's with D's or C's on it. When I put on this song it really tells me to "Push your care,Push your burdens aside. Erase everything inside and just leave one thing on your mind" I mean it's telling me to put everything aside and just live and have fun for once. Truthfully, before I read the lyrics since it's like scream-o.I didn't know this was as powerful as it is. I love this meanigful song and I play it over and over again.


  16. I chose Believe by Justin Beiber because I feel that it is very powerful song. I think this is really powerful to me because if you did not believe in him I think he would have not become famous. This song means to me that if I did not believe in him he would not be around or be famous like he is. I think this song is very catchy because he wrote about believing in himself and his friends,family and FANS.Without fellow Beliebers, he wouldn’t be the superstar he is today.That’s why I think this song is catchy.

  17. The song I choose is “Little Things” by One Direction. I chose this song because it just pulls me in its picture of what the song means and how it tugs on your emotions.

    The meaning of this song to me is, you don’t have to be the prettiest or skinniest girl to have a boyfriend that loves you, so don’t put yourself down for it. This song is about a girl putting herself down for little things and her boyfriend is telling her how he loves her for those little things. Here is an example of what the girl thinks of herself and how her boyfriend loves her flaws:
    “I know you've never loved
    The sound of your voice on tape
    You never want
    To know how much you weigh
    You still have to squeeze into your jeans
    But you're perfect to me”

    I hope one day I have a boyfriend who loves me for all my little things and appreciates me for who I am. This song is very touching and sweet!! I’m glad to know that there are some good guys out there who actually care.

    Here’s a quote that will sum this blog up:
    “You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you
    You'll never treat yourself right, darling, but I want you to.
    If I let you know I'm here for you
    Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, oh.”

    “And I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth
    'Cause it's you,
    Oh, it's you,
    It's you they add up to
    And I'm in love with you
    And all these little things”

    Before you bring yourself down about little things that are wrong, just remember there could be someone out there who admires you for who you are and all your little things.

  18. "A modern day warrior mean, mean stride today's Tom Sawyer mean, mean pride." this song makes me go insane. I don't know why but it just does. This song is called Tom Sawyer by Rush and it is very retro and makes my mind go for a loop! The back round music is so calming it makes me hyper...haha. I think the song is telling us a story about Tom Sawyer who was in many novels. The song makes me and probably other people who heard it think of being in the events of Tom Sawyer who is a very famous character.

  19. My favorite song is “A team” by Ed Sheeran. Its my favorite song because, it just sticks in your head and just gets you pumped( the course). When I first heard this song I loved it! I never knew.
    that it was about how some people don't have a lot of things, like the unfortunate. This song is so powerful it speaks to the audience that's listing. one of the lyrics I Like out of that song is " white lips pale face breathing in snowflakes burnt lungs, sour taste. Light's gone, day's end struggling to pay rent long nights, strange men." I like that quote of the song because its about how you should take stuff for granted and think about the people who don't have all those things that we have.

  20. The song Club Can’t Handle Me by Flo-Rida is an upbeat happy song about enjoying life and having fun. It is about forgetting all of the bad things in life and just having fun with friends and family. It makes you just want to get up and dance. It gives the vibe that worrying about the unhappy things in life is not worth it and just focus on living life and having a great time. It also shows what is like to live the life of a partier who enjoys living in the moment. This is an inspiring song that makes you want to go out and find out what is really out there in life, to live a little. Whenever I get ready for a soccer game I like to blast this music to get me pumped for the upcoming game. Overall the song Club Can’t Handle Me is a song about living life to the fullest.


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