Monday, January 7, 2013

"The Only Thing to Fear is Fear Itself"

This week we will be starting to read the screenplay,  The Monsters are Due on Maple Street, by Rod Serling. In the play we will discuss just how powerful fear, prejudice and suspicion can be!

For your blog post this week, I would like you to answer the following question:

Think about what you are afraid of. How does fear affect the decisions you make?

Your response must be at least 8 sentences. PROOFREAD! It is due no later than Friday, January, 11 at 5pm!


  1. I have a fear of flying on planes because I am deathly afraid of heights. This fear affects my life decisions. For example, when I grow up I will decide not to travel to certain places if it requires flying. This means that I will not see a lot of the world. In addition, when I get older and have a family, we will not take family vacations that require flying because I don’t like to fly. This will affect not only me, but my family too. As you can see, my fear of flying affects my life decisions.

  2. I have many fears but there is just one that’s the worst, going over bridges. That affects my life, my family, and my friends. If I had a choice in my life not to go over bridges I would not go over them. Also, it affects my life because when you want to visit your friends and family it will be hard too. Little bridges are fine to go over like it is to go swing on a swing. But, those big bridges are what catches me like a big Ferris wheel. Even looking at the bridges and seeing how tall they are still gives me more goose bumps. The fright of the bridges get more and more scarier that I won’t go on them without closing my eyes and wondering why am I so scared. I think to myself really why am I so scared and why do I close my eyes.

  3. I am afraid of moths because they are fuzzy and creepy. One night one landed on the rug on stairs, and I yelled to my mom and she said "it;s just lint". Then she tried to pick it up and it flew, and we both screamed. I would not so in my room until she killed it. She got it because it landed on my TV screen. Than we laughed and I do not like them. One day I was in my room, and I was watch TV. I had my light on in my room. I saw something fly by the light in my room. I look up I saw a moth so I ran in my sister"s room. I slammed the door shut. I yelled to my mom and I stayed there until my mom killed the moth. That"s why I do not like moths.

  4. I am completely scared of elevators. When the elevator moves up, it feels like something has taken hold of me and is pulling me into the vast abyss of another world. Also, I hate even the slightest shake in the movement of the elevator. It sends shivers down my spine to think I might fall to the bottom floor and be crushed by the large metal machine. On top of that, what if the elevator stops. It would probably scare me out of my wits. Elevators are one of my main fears. It affects how I make decisions because when I have to be on the elevator I get stiff like a wooden plank. I can't really jump around in the machine or run like anyone else because I might get afraid it will fall. Nobody really knows I am afraid of elevators because I don't show it and they aren't that bad. They just scare me and sometimes I have to make different decisions then I would because of elevators.


  5. Imagine you’re in a small room. You can smell massive body odor. You can feel people brushing up against your shoulders and it’s irritating. It’s extremely hot and you can’t handle it any longer! You feel like you’re going to explode! How scary does that sound?
    Sounds scary to me! I am afraid of crowds because the large amount of people so close to you. This fear affects my life decisions. For instance, I avoid the mall at Christmas time. This affects my life because I have to get Christmas presents in advance.

  6. When I'm home alone just sitting there and all the sudden I hear noises .I go into psycho mode.I hate being home alone because my house is pretty big and its old so when I hear noises I look for my cats just to see if they are causing this terrifying noise.But when its not them I get worried and question if there is anyone in this house.The things I ask myself “am I going to die” “whose in here” “is there anyone in here”but then I usually go next door with my # year old neighbor and I get my mind of of the terrifying noise.Then when I go back I turn the T.V on very loud and I'm all right.

  7. I am afraid of insects.If I see a bug in my room,I will run out of my room and have my sister come down to kill it. Sometimes I will not go outside in the summer if we don't have bug spray. I am also afraid of talking in front of big crowds. When I am up there I am fine, but its the time when where getting to go on stage. My friends will try to calm me down and say "you will be fine, don't worry about it." But, I am still afraid. There's one more thing I am afraid of, the dark. I always need a night light when I go to bed. When I sleep over my friends house I will take a flash light and put it underneath the covers. Furthermore, I am afraid of the dark because I can't see and I might trip.

  8. I am scared of talking in front of a large amount of people. I get very anxious and nervous. It is going to affect my working life. For example, I would probably never want to be a lawyer, teacher, or on TV. Also, it is going to affect my school life too because i will not be able to seek in front of the class .

  9. Ahh! A cluster of things scare me. But most of all, scary movies frighten the living daylight out of me! I get terrified wicked easy for no reason (so please don’t try). If movies aren’t supposed to appear scary, but something pops out of nowhere, I jump out of my seat. When I go to the movies with people it affects what movie to see. If my friend and I would happen to go to the movies, we would have to compromise. Also, if I watch one I get nightmares for a day or two. I wish I could lose the fear of being scared easily and being able to watch scary movies when I get older. But, that doesn’t seem likely.

  10. I am extremely afraid of sharks.I do not like the ocean.When in the ocean I get really paranoid that there maybe a shark in the water nearby.None of the movies about shark attacks bother me.Seeing the stories on the news don't scare me either. I just know that they hurt and kill people when they attack.I'm horrified that if one got a hold of me that he would take me under and no one would ever know what happened.So, now when I go to the beach I dont go out far.......

  11. I heard nosies that sound like scurrying across the floor. I open the door to my room and I see a RAT!!! My eyes widen in surprise and fright. I just had a mini heart attack. Then, I shut the door and run away. I will literally stand on the counter and scream “theres a rat!” This has happened to me one time when I was staying at my aunts house in New York, except for the fact that it was a mouse. This will and does affect my life and decisions I make in many ways. In the future when I buy a house it absolutely can not be an old house ( a lot of old houses have rats in them). My friend has an old house and they have rats that get in it so when possible I don’t go in the back room where there are sometimes rats or rat traps. I definitely won’t live in New York City because it is said that rats crawl out of the sewer there! Clearly, my deathly fear of rats what descisions I make.

  12. My worst fear is I’m afraid of sharks. I know it sounds funny but a lot of people are. When I go to the beach I love to swim people call me a fish, nut when I see a striper or a little tiny fish I run out of the water because sometimes behind them is a shark! I hate going on tropical vacations like to California, Florida, but most importantly Hawaii. Some people tell me that’s were all the sharks live. That one time the news said that there was a great whit out fair at the Good Haber beach I wouldn’t go past my knees and if I did I would be so paranoid I would think there was one all the time but there wasn’t. That’s why sharks are my biggest fear ever!

  13. I’m walking downstairs to go get my clothes. All of the sudden I see a huge rat standing right in front of me and I screamed as loud as possible. My mom comes down stairs, stops and jumps as high as a kangaroo. We were so shocked and flustered. We had no idea of what to say to each other. The rest of the family comes downstairs and screams too. All I hear in the background is ahhh!!! We ALL tell my dad to pick it up and bring it out into the woods. So where all going upstairs and my dad starts to chase me around with it and I screamed “stop, stop!!!.” So then, my mom made him take it out to the woods and he did. That’s going to affect my decisions I make because that’s not going to make me get a old house, I would want a new house with no rats. I will get a rat trapper if I have too. I’ m also terrified of spiders. Even if I see a small spider I will make someone kill it or push it away. But if I see a big spider then I will go somewhere else and whine and scream until someone gets it away from where I am. I become so defiant and flustered inside. This is going to affect my decisions because, if I see a spider I won’t go where it is and I might miss going into class or miss the bell, etc. I also HATE being alone in the dark. It makes me think a monster is going to pop out or something else is going to pop out. It gives me the chills. This is going to affect my decisions because when I get older I’m going to be scared to go alone somewhere in the dark. I’m going to always need someone by my side almost like a security guard. Last thing is when I go deep in the water at the beach, stripers will swim around me. One time I went to the beach with my friends, I was walking out into the water and saw a long fish swim by me. That was it for me, I wouldn’t even go past my waist. I was really scared that at one point I had to go back and lay down and tan while my friends were having fun in the water. I’m a baby when it comes to fish swimming around me. It freaks me out!!! If that happened to you, wouldn’t it freak you out? I guess fear actually does affect your decisions on what you make in life because as you can see, it affects me in many ways!!!

  14. I am scared of getting hurt when I was 3 I was sitting on a counter and I jumped of and my foot got caught and I landed on my arm and my bone popped out of my arm and I had a emergency surgery when I got to the hospital. When I was 5 I was running in my cousins house and then a mirror fell and cut my head open. when I was 10 i had a baseball game and i ran from 2 to 3 base and I stopped and a piece of my bone came out but i stilled played and 2 weeks later I had a to go to the doctors to see if i need to get surgery he said if cant put my leg straight out then i have to get surgery but 4 weeks later my bone went back in place and I didn't get surgery. when I was a 11 i cut my head open again at school. when I was 12 i cut my leg open. So that's why that's my biggest fear.

  15. I walk home alone in the dark. I've always hated the dark. Not necessarily a dark room. You can always turn on a light. It's being outside, with only yourself and the pure darkness that you can do nothing about. It affects me playing outside games like man hunt; running around at night, trying to hide away from the opposite team. What if they never find you? What if they leave you alone? In the darkness? I get chills just thinking about it. I'm not just afraid of the dark, there's one more thing that's scarier than the dark. I'm afraid of not being good enough or not doing the right thing. I know, "Nobody's perfect" or "You're human, you're allowed to make mistakes". I've heard the quotes a million times before. But, I always feel embarrassed when I do. It affects my my decisions all the time. I feel like people get upset when I'm not good enough. It feels like I'm falling into a dark, bottomless pit of fear. Although, over the years I've started to get over that fear. Because no matter what, if I mess up I know my friends will be there to pick me right back up.

  16. What scares me is dark. Dark is the unknown. When you are in dark you can see nothing. I think humans are scared of the dark because they don’t know enough about it. We are scared of the dark because we mostly use sight as our main sense and in the dark we have no sight we can only rely on our other senses. Humans are scared of the dark because the dark lets your imagination run free. Your imagination can turn a pile of clothes into a monster. Or shadows can trigger your imagination to run free.


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