Monday, April 29, 2013

Current Events

Read the article "Trouble in North Korea" by clicking  here. Summarize what you read in 8-10 sentences.

Some things you may want to include in your summary...
  • Who is the leader of North Korea right now?
  • What is the United States and other countries saying about North Korea?
  • How did North Korea get where it is today?
  • How is North Korea's relationship with South Korea?
  • Is there anything going on with nuclear weapons?

Complete your post here as a comment. It is due no later than Friday at 5pm.


  1. For many years now, North Korea hasn’t had a “friendly” relationship with some countires around the world. North Korea has had most of its troubles with the United States and South Korea. Kim Jong Un, is the leader of North Korea. Both him and his father Kim Jong II (former ruler of North Korea) have used military threats to display their power and control of both South Korea and the U.S. Although, both South Korea and the U.S. have said that they have not seen any military movement or clear signs that nations are on the brink of a war. Right now, the tensions are very high! Lots of the countries around the world have spoken against North Korea. Chinas president said that no country “should be allowed to throw a region and even the whole world into chaos for selfish gain." The relationship between North and South Korea has been one big conflict. Ever since the loss of Japan in World War II, Korea was split into two different countries (north and south). They both have their own governments to live by. Later on, North Korea invaded South Korea. This started the Korean war. But soon, an agreement was made with both countries. They would make a zone called the DMZ to divide the two nations. Many family members and friends were separated and still today, the tension remains high.

  2. The leader for North Korea is Kim Jong uh. The united states have been saying that North Korea had been told that they can nuke the united states and it might be world war 3. North korea got where its at because china has been helping them with nuclear weapons and tanks and guns they got that all from china. North Korea's relationship with South Korea isn't good at all because North Korea is trying to use some of the nuclear weapons on South Korea. There is something going on with nuclear weapons in North Korea they have been getting bapeared as we speak because they have everything ready to attack the united states,South Korea and other places so ya they have nuclear weapons ready.

  3. When north Korea invited south Korea, this started the Korean war. But soon, an agreement was made with both countries. They would make a zone called the DMZ to divide the nations. Many family members and friends were separated and still today, the tension remains very high. They have one of the worlds largest armies that made them feel every safe. The Korean President is Kim Dae-jung.

  4. Have you heard about the happenings in North Korea? There is lots of stress in South Korea and in America. Their leader Kim Jong Un, is a threat to the human race and he is causing a lot of trouble throughout the world. The United States is very worried that he might attack us.
    After World War ||, North and South Korea were divided. North Korea became Communist and South Korea became a republic. South Korea wanted to unite the two countres, but North Korea would not budge. South Korea tried to have talks with North Korea and give aid, but North Korea would not take it. North Korea is threating America and South Korea with nucleur weapons. In February they sent off nucleur war heads.

    as you can see there is a lot of stress between North and South Korea

  5. North Korea isn't really nice to other countries. Sadly, we are one of the places North Korea doesn't like from conflicts. King Jon Un might start another war! He learned from his father King Jon Un II who was leading for about 17 years to use military threats to show power and strength. After a while North Korea incresed their army over time. Now, North Korea has one of the world's largest armies and nuclear weapons. The DMZ got made to divide North and South Korea, making a big conflict as well after the Japanese War. The DMZ seperated many families and family members, and they still are today. The U.S and South Korea are North Korea's 'favorites.'

  6. Kim Jong un is the leader of north korea. Like his father, he uses military threats to show control and power. North korea has one of the world's largest armies, and nuclear weapons. Conflict and distrust separated north korea and korea. Japan's defeat in world war 2 divided Japan and korea into 2 countries, it was final in 1948. North korea invaded south korea in 1950,on June 25. A cease fire was signed in July 1953. South korea tried to solve problems with north korea, but north korea continued to increase nuclear weapons, because the us and south korea stopped sending food. South korea continues to try and make peace with north korea.

  7. KimJong Un is 25 years old and very mean. He has a military threat to the United States. He wants to start a war with the United States. South Korea is not a military threat to the United States. I have seen on the news that the North Koreans want to bomb us. The nuclear bombs would not reach the United States but maybe Hawaii. They do not get along with South Korea. South Korea is friendly with the U.S.South Korea is trying to talk with the North Koreans but they do not want to. but i think that we will be ok .

  8. Kim Jong Un s the great leader of north Korea. The United States is saying that Kim Jong Un is going to blow the United States. The president of South Korea is trying to improve their old problems. In 1945 after world war two north and south Korea split up and became their own country. North Korea and South Koreas relationship is like a war the south Koreas are trying to make it better but north Korea doesn’t want to be friends.” Kim Jong Un is the leader of North Korea. His father, Kim Jong Il, led the country from 1994 until 2011. Both leaders have used military threats to display their power and control. North Korea has one of the world's largest armies, with access to destructive nuclear weapons.” I took this out of the article from the blog and it sates that they have access to destructive nuclear weapons.

  9. Kim Jong Un is the "troubled" North Korean leader. His father has been threatening country's including America for 10+ years. Now his young 25 year old son is running the country. They have threatened us with nuclear bombs and even tested some on South Korea. Even though the bombs can most likely not hit us it is an impending scare on all surrounding country's. If they do declare war with South Korea The USA will probably step in. I believe that North Korea is not the problem its their leader.

  10. North Korea is a very unhappy and selfish country. Their leader is Kim Jong Un. He toke over after his father's death. This country is dangerous because they have nuclear weapons and could use them on their surrounding countries. We know this because they have conducted more than a couple nuclear tests. I do not believe that this is the fault of the North Koreans. This is the fault of the government and there ruler. It is pretty scary to think that they could bomb us. But, I have heard on the news that they can’t reach us. But, they can reach South Korea. I hope that North Korea stops and compromises with South Korea but it probably won’t happen.

  11. North Korea is a very selfish country. It has one of the biggest armies. They're very dangerous because they have nuclear weapons that they can use on other countries around them. Their leader is Kim Jong Un. He became the leader when his father’s death happened. North Korea has a very troubled relationship with South Korea and the United States. Kim Jong Un wants to gain power over South Korea but South Korea is fighting them about it. A lot of other counties have spoken out to North Korea, not just the United States. Conflict of North and South Korea has separated the nations. North Korean military invaded South Korea, starting the Korean war. South Korea tried being nice to North Korea by giving them aid. But North Korea wasn't thankful enough and was still giving South Korea a hard time. So, South Korea and the United States stopped food aid to North Korea. Why is North Korea starting problems when it's a little country?

  12. I don't know much about what is going on in North Korea but after reading that article, I have a better understanding. North Korea is an unfortunate and self-centered country. Their leader is King Jon Un. He is 25 years old and isn't the nicest person you'll ever meet. He became the leader in 1994 and stopped leading in 2011. North Korea's armies are very large, so big that it's one of the largest armies in the world. Several countries have spoken out again North Korea. North Korea's millitaries invaded South Korea on June 25, 1950, starting the Korean War. No one knows what is coming next.

  13. The leader of north Korea right now is Kim Jung Un.The United states and other countries say they have not seen any military movement or clear signs that nations are on the brink of a war.North Korea and South Korea share a history, a language and a peninsula.But for more than 60 years, conflict and distrust have separated the nations. Korea was a colony of Japan from 1910 to 1945. After Japan’s defeat in World War II, Korea was divided into two countries. The split became permanent in 1948. North Korea established a communist government.That's how they got to where they are to day.The relationship between north Korea and south Korea are very tense.Yes there is something going on with nuclear weapons.North Korea is continuing to grow its army and nuclear weapons.


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