Monday, April 8, 2013

First Memory


We have been studying poetry on and off for quite some time now. Much of poetry deals with self reflection and self expression. I want you to dig deep into your memory bank and try to recall your earliest memory. Describe what occurred. Discuss (about) how old you were and what was going on at the time. Incorporate sensory language to clue your readers in on what you were feeling, seeing, tasting, touching and hearing at the time.

Your post must be NO LESS than 10 sentences this week! If you choose, you may write it as a poem (no less than 10 lines). It is due Friday 4/12 by 5pm!


  1. When I was little, I had all of the Dora stuffed animals. My favorite one was Boots the monkey. I took him everywhere I went and I slept with him too. My mom would always tuck him in with me unless she was at work. Then my older sister Debi and my older brother Ricky would tuck us in. One day I made him talk and he sounded scary. I cried to my mom cause I was scared of the way he sounded. Mom said his battery is dead , so she took us to the Jewerly Store downtown and the man fixed him. I was happy again! I have him packed away.

  2. when i was a little boy i remember i was trying to walk and my dad was saying come here mike. I kept falling down and he would get me right back up and i kept trying. i was at least five or six. This memory i have always remember and i always will.

  3. I remember my first day of school.I was six years old when I went there.I went to east Gloucester elementary school.I was really nerves to meet my teacher.My mom and dad said good by and gave me a hug and kiss.I lined up to go to my kindergarten class room.When I lined up I meet my teacher miss Sanfillipo.When we got to the class room we went on the rug and talked about what we would be learning this year.Then we went to our table and then she started to teach us our ABC's.That's my first memory of school.

  4. when i was little baby i was 4 years old. I was playing in the park. I saw a small white dog and it was run at me and I was scared i thought it going to bite me. I didn't know that the small dog just wanted to playing with me. I was crying and I hit the dog on the face because I was scared. Then, my mom came and pick me up and she told me that "it wanted to play with me". I stop crying and the owner came and said "it's not going to bite his friendly" then he told me to throw a ball and I did and the dog ran and got the ball and it was fun. Then, i left and went home.

  5. I’ve had so many memorable moments in my life I couldn’t even count! But, my first memory was when I fell down the stairs. This memory of mine was in my old house before I moved. I was about five years old. I remember getting up early in the morning because I was hungry. It was very dark in my room so I had a lot of trouble seeing. I grabbed my teddy bear, not knowing it was about five in the morning, and started to go downstairs. Nothing could stop me from getting some yummy, crunchy cheerios. I opened my door and noticed that my downstairs lights were on and my dad was talking on the phone. He hadn’t noticed that I had got up of bed. For some reason, I remember not wanting my dad to hear me walk downstairs. I looked over the banister to make sure he wasn’t looking, not being aware of my steps. I missed a step and tumbled all the way down the stairs. It was all a blur but I do recall me saying “WHOA” often. By the time I reached the floor, I was balling my little, blue eyes out. My dad finally heard me and picked me up into the kitchen. My head hurt a lot and I was crying for a little over an hour. Although on the bright side, I still got my cheerios!

  6. I remember when I was 5 I when I first went to Disney land. I remember going on rids and staying in my hotel by the pool. I remember why we went there. We went there because my sister took dance class and here dance class went to Disney to preform. I really did not like going on the rides. the very first ride we walked by was a roller-coaster and my sister was to afraid to go on. So my dad forced me to go it felt like I was on the ride for ever. after that I came off the ride crying and my dad says to me "do you want to go on again." That was my very first memory.

  7. A memory I remember was when I had my first bike "accident". When I was eight years old, I was at the O'Maley track, with my mom riding my bike. Since I knew how to ride the bike, I was trying to ride with one hand and it didn't really work out as I planned. Sadly, I lost my balance and fell off my bike shocked but not crying or hurt. But, when my mom put oitment, on my elbow and leg, I noticed the blood and burst out in tears. I have never seen more blood on me in my life before! On the ride home from O'Maley, I felt the pain and it hurt to move my elbow and leg for a couple hours until it dried up. So, now if I wanna try something new, I will do it on grass or something so I don't get a cut like that again.

  8. My first memory is when I went to Tops Field Fair with my brother, my sister, my Mimi, and my mom. This was when I was about 3 years old. I was so happy and excited! I look at pictures now from when I was there and in every picture I had a big, bright smile! I saw animals and was able to ride on an elephant. I also got to feed the animals too!! That was the best part of the day!! There are also rides there so I went on a few, but I only went on little baby ones because I was really little at the time. Now I go on every ride there is! I got to have tasty food there. It was so delicious that it melted my tongue into pieces. After all the fun was over, we drove back home! Well, there’s my first memory I remember when I was younger.

  9. My first memory was when I was 4. I was in my dad’s old range rover. It was a very poor made car. There were holes where rust had destroyed the the car. We would plow together in the winter, and it was cold. It was very hard to see and at that age i was very scared. But it was fun being inside a car protected from the outside. Once we were plowing my aunts driveway and we got stuck. My grandfather had to come down with a rope to pull us out. That was my first memory.

  10. My first memory was with me my brother and my parents. I don't really know if it was a memory or a dream. But I am pretty sure it was a memory. I was really little and I ran into my parents lap with my brother. We were at our old house. But this is defiantly my earliest memory. I can remember so many other things from when I was little. But this memory fells so far back that it is amazing. It is also one of my most clear memories I have. I treasure this memory because it reminds me so much of when I was little. The reason that I didn't know if it was a dream was because it was so long ago. That was my earliest memory.

    ~Really sorry for late

  11. My first memory was when I learned how to tie shoes and/or strings, I was around the age of 6. I was standing in my living room watching Dora The Explorer. My mom was cleaning the house, running around and I was just standing there. I was wearing blue sweatpants, which had strings around the waist to tie them to make them tighter. I was playing with the strings because I was bored. Somehow I tied it and I saw the two loops and it tied perfectly. I got all excited! Then, I kept tying everything, I kept re-tying my strings. I was so happy that I had learned to tie. I thought it was a really amazing thing I taught myself how to do, considering I was six.

  12. My first memory was to talk. I remember I use to call my dad fafa instead of daddy. I was 2 years old when I use to call him that. I remember when he use to hate it when I called him that but he would laugh sometimes.


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