Monday, April 1, 2013

The Road Not Taken


The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. 

In 8 or more sentences, describe why you think the poem is titled, "The Road Not Taken."
Explain what road you would have taken if you were the speaker.

Your post is due no later than Saturday at 5pm.



  1. I think the poems titled "The Road Not Taken" is because everyone took the other road that's been used alot. And barely anyone took the grassy green road. So I think The title is about the people who didn't take the road he took. But, some people did take the same road as Robert Frost did. So I think the title is about the road that anyone ever took. Which was the grassy one. And not the worn out dried up one. That's my opinion. And I would've taken the grassy one. Because, it could've been a shorter way to get to where you want or a better place. I wouldn't of taken the worn out one because I wanted to go on a adventure and see what the grassy road looked like and lead. And I know I coud've went back and tooken the worn out one but instead I took the grassy one.

  2. I think it is called "the rode not taken " because no mater what path you take. There is always going to be a path not taken because you can only go down one paths. The other path would be the path not taken. So really you can never go down the path not taken. Because if you pick one path the other path is the path not taken.

  3. The speaker took the road that other people didn’t take. He took the road that, “was grassy and wanted wear.” “The road not taken” is the road that the speaker didn’t take. I would have taken the road that everyone took. Maybe people have been somewhere good in their life because they took that road. Or maybe the road goes somewhere fun or nice in your life.

  4. I think that this poem's title The Road Not Taken is because the speaker took one road. That road was the one no one walked on. If I was the speaker I would’ve took the road no one else went on. Since no one had took the road before, it is all new. You know when grass has been walked on and there are all footprints on the ground? It doesn't look that good for a nice walk. The one the speaker took wasn't all used and since that choice he made, the road was a change for him/ her. So, I think he made the right choice on picking the road. Anyways, he could only choose one road. Why not make it memorable?

  5. The road not taken is a good poem. If I was the reader I would take the road that was not used the most. Many people took the same road and I would want to change and not be like every one else. Making decisions is hard and making decisions can effect where you end up in life.

  6. The road not token is made by choices. If you chose up road your life could be good you could stay in school and possible get drafted into the NFL. If you chose down road you could have ruin your life by dropping out of school and ruin your chances of going to college and possible you could be single through out your whole life and not get married. I would chose up road because i wanna get married and go to the NFL.

  7. I think the poem is titled The Road Not Taken because he only took one road and that made the difference. I would have taken less traveled because I want to be different from everyone else.
    I would want to be different from everyone else because it would be boring if everyone was the same.;0

  8. I believe that the poem is called "The Road Not Taken"because the speaker wanted to be different. Everyone else took one road and he took the other. The narrator says "I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference". He took the grassy road while everyone else took the other road. That's why it was the road not taken. He wanted to remember that day when he took the other road and be different. In my opinion, it all sounds very adventurous. It was a new experience for him. So, Robert Frost took the road not taken.

  9. I believe Robert Frost named this poem The Road Not Taken because when given the chioce between going his own way or following the road that is worn down, he chooses the less followed road. I think it is telling people to do their own thing, not what everyone does. In order to be your own person. If given the chioce I would have took the same road as the speaker. I want to be the person I am meant to be. In order for that to happen I need to make decisions for myself. I can not do everything sometimes the best way to go is the one less traveled.

  10. I think the poem is titled “The Road Not Taken” because the speaker took the road that no one has ever taken before. If I was the speaker I would have taken the road that no one else took before because there could be different things to do. Since the road is new and no one took it before it means there’s more to explore. When no one has walked on the road and there’s no foot prints and there’s still grass on the ground it looks friendlier. But if someone walked on the road and there are foot prints then it does not look as friendly. I think the reader made a good choice because the road is new. So when your stuck on which road to take, take the road not taken.

  11. The Road Not Taken was a great poem! The author titled it "The Road Not Taken" because it was the road he didn't take. Which was the one that everyone else had taken. He wanted to be different and take the least popular one. I would have chosen the one that no one had traveled down because that’s the one that’s probably more interesting. There must be reasons why not one went down the road and I would like to know the reason. It could be because there’s something weird and/or unexpected down that road. I have always wanted to be different and do everything differently and if I took the road that everybody took, I would be doing the same as everybody else.

  12. I think the author named it "The Road Not Taken" because he took the road that nobody else took. The road not taken isn't the road that he didn't take. The road not taken is the one he took that everyone else was not brave enough to take. I feel that the poem is really interesting because I don't know if I would take the road not taken. I think I might take the one everyone else took without knowing it yet. So, I really believe that the road not taken was titled the way it was because he toke the road that no one else toke.



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