Monday, May 20, 2013

Ha Ha

As part of our oral tradition unit, let's continue with some more storytelling! Tell me a funny, appropriate story. It can be true, or completely made up.
  (8 or more sentences!)


  1. During my game on Saturday there was a player on my team he was running around the bases. he got really tired running toward home plate and he got tackled by the catcher. everyone started laughing. It was really funny but we won the game.

  2. When I was a baby, I loved being in my walker. I got everything I could reach. My Mom said my brother Ricky and my sister Debi always left their things on the couch or coffee table. She got tired of cleaning their things up for them, since they were teenagers. So she told them that if I could reach it, it was mine. One day My sister left her homework on the coffee table and I got it while mom was doing dishes. She told her teacher that her baby sister ate it, when her teacher called mom, mom said yes it did happen and they both laughed. Debi had to redo her homework.

  3. My dog Buddy is not very smart. Sometimes he barks at the mirror. He thinks it's another dog, when he runs into the mirror. He does that because he thinks there is anther dog in the house and he is trying to protect us. If we yell at him when he does something wrong, He goes and hides under my mom and dad's bed, or my sister's bed. Buddy is clearly not the most intelligent dog in the world, but he is cute and kind.

  4. When I was at a restaurant with my family, The music was really loud. So then my favorite song came on and I started humming to it. Then, I started lip singing. After a few songs went by I started singing really load and my dad gave me that "Taila Please Be Quiet." After that when we were done eating, the waiter came up and gave my mom and dad the check. Then she started talking to me and I couldn't hear her, so I was like "What?" and then my brother pulled out my headphones and I was like "Oh My God.." and then I felt awkward so I walked outside to the car and we went home.

  5. Once, I was going for a walk with my mom and dad up to this quarry that we used to swim in during the summer. We didn’t have our bathing suits on yet because we wanted to walk around it once to see all the beautiful nature surrounding the quarry. Next to the quarry, I saw a mini quarry with a rock in the middle of it. To me, it looked like an island. I asked my dad if he could jump on it and I could take a picture of him on the rock. He carefully jumped onto the rock and landed safely. I got my camera and was ready to take the picture. Although, being the joker my dad was, he decided to do a funny pose. He lifted up his arms and stood on one foot and stuck out his tongue. He quickly lost his balance and fell off the rock and into the water. He had his new summer shirt on, his only shorts, and sandals. He came up from the water and stuck his head up. He felt his pocket and quickly dived back in the water. I looked at my mom and she looked just about as clueless as I did. My dad came back up, looked us right in the eye, and held up the soaking, wet cell phone that had fell into the water with him. It felt like I was laughing for days. Never again did my dad bring his phone near water.

  6. On my way home from school Monday, my mom and I went to McDonalds and got me a blueberry pomegranate smoothie. (It was really good, you might want to try it some time) Then when we came to a stop leaving, and we saw one of my old teachers (Mr. Goulart). He was walking with a guitar in one hand and 3 lattes in the other hand from Dunkin' Donuts. We started talking to him because we were at a stop. When we were leaving, I looked back through the back window and he almost tripped because he wasn't paying attention while he was walking and talking. I couldn't stop laughing the whole way home because of it. I am glad he didn't drop them because it probably would've been my mom's fault for talking to him while walking. I just never pictured him tripping. I just thought that was really funny. I hope you did too.

  7. Here are two funny stories that happened to me:

    When I was a baby I was at petting zoo and there were goats roaming around. So I got out of my stroller and walked around and pet the animals. So my dad started to push the stroller and realized that it was very heavy. This is because a goat had gotten on to my stroller.

    About a year ago My Mom and I were at Marshals Farm Stand getting Some fruit and vegetables. So we decided to go see the animals. Our first stop were the chickens as we were looking at the chickens a goat jumped on top of the chicken coup. Next we went to the alpacas. First my brother hand his hand halfway down the alpacas throat. But that was not all. Then the alpaca spit all over my mom. Those are two funny stories I can tell.

  8. My family and I went on vacation all the way up to New Hampshire. The place we stayed at was called Nordic Village. We used to go up every year. Well the last time we were there, we went for lots of nature walks in the woods right next to are condo. But, I'm going to tell you about one hilarious visit where we went. One day we all decided to go to the big, crazy waterfalls. We took our shoes off and started walking close to waterfalls. We only had our clothes on. All of us decided to walk on the huge rocks in the waterfalls. We all got wet and sticky but it felt refreshing. My dad and all of us were climbing onto another rock and while we got onto the other rock, my dad slipped and fell right onto his butt. Everyone was laughing including me but I was the only one that tried helping him get up out of the water. His sun glasses and wallet almost got soaked in the water but my dad and I got them at the perfect time. It was so funny! I started to crack up even more because then all of us including my mom hopped in the water because we couldn't stand anymore because we were laughing too much. Then we got soaked so we got out of the water and dried off. All of our soaked bodies got into the car and drove back to the condo! That was my funny story that happened to me.

  9. I once had this friend who I was really close with. My friend and I walked down to the docks near my house. We both really liked to dangle our feet over the edge of the docks to get out feet all cold and wet. We had been doing this for about thirty minutes when my friend dared me to dangle my whole body into the water. Knowing me she knew I wouldn't do it so she told me she would do it first. So she held onto the top bar of the dock and dangled her whole body into the water. I wanted to prove to her that I could do it to and she wasn't "all tough" so I decided to accept the dare. But when I did it something went wrong. Instead of holding onto the top bar, I held onto the bottom bar and since I couldn't pull myself back up I slipped into the shallow water. My friend started laughing at me when a boat came along the side of the dock. The little girl in the boat asked me if I wanted to be in the water. Since she was probably worried I just told her that I did want to be in the water and I liked it. Then her boat drove away. I was stuck in the water on top of a bunch of sharp seashells and it was apparently very funny. But at the time it wasn't funny to me at all. So I ran all the way around the dock and cut my feet on seashells. Looking back on that day all soaking wet I think that it is one of my only funny stories I have.

  10. On June 21,2012 me and my family went on a camping trip to yogi bear.On one of the days that we were there,there was nothing to do because we already went to the pool.So we went to the activity center.One of the activity's was fuzzy bunny.You had to put as many marsh mellows as you could in your mouth and still be able to say fuzzy bunny.It was really funny.Another activity was you had to eat a doughnut on a string and if it fell on the ground you were out,you also had to be the first person to be done with your doughnut and you had to go has fast as you can.That's my funniest story.

  11. Our family went to New Hampshire and we visited my Grampy's summer house. One morning we decided to go swimming and my mom tried to get out of a tube, she slipped into the water while she had a cigarette in her mouth. We all laughed and my mom was drenched and shocked. The funny thing is she still had her cigarette in her mouth.


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