Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Fox and the Crow

"The Fox and the Crow" is a traditional version of the fable by Aesop. Although very little is actually known about the true origins of Aesop's fables, he has been credited with over 600 of these instructional tales. Subjects of his morals include gratitude, the deceptiveness of appearances, and the necessity of thrift.

A Fox once saw a Crow fly off with a piece of cheese in its beak and settle on a branch of a tree. "That's for me, as I am a Fox," said Master Reynard (the fox), and he walked up to the foot of the tree.

"Good day, Mistress Crow," he cried. "How well you are looking today: how glossy your feathers; how bright your eye. I feel sure your voice must surpass that of other birds, just as your figure does; let me hear but one song from you that I may greet you as the Queen of the Birds."

The Crow lifted up her head and began to caw her best, but the moment she opened her mouth the piece of cheese fell to the ground, only to be snapped up by Master Fox. "That will do," said he. "That was all I wanted. In exchange for your cheese I will give you a piece of advice for the future ---


Do you agree with the moral of the fable? Why or why not?
EXPLAIN in 8 or more sentences.


  1. Yes i do agree with this story because the fox saw a bird with a piece of cheese and said that's for me. If someone flatters you still don't agree with them because they could steal something and you cant rely on them anymore. He started to flatter the bird and told her to sing we'll the piece of cheese was in the birds mouth.

  2. I agree with the fable "DO NOT TRUST FLATTERERS." because
    the crow had a piece of cheese and the master fox saw that pieces of cheese and stared flatting the crow. Than the master fox said really good stuff about the crow . Than, the crow felt good about her self. She never herd anyone say how good she look because no one liked crows because they are scary, dark, and really loud.

  3. For this fable the moral is true, because the fox made the crow blind to the fact she gave him her cheese. The fox was being tricky because he wanted something bad. The crow became so caught up in his flattery, she didn't understand what was happening, feeling In real life, I don't really know if I agree or not. When people flatter you it can be as a compliment while other times they want something out of it (like the cheese). I guess in real life, the moral would be ‘don't get flattered too much (something might be suspicious).’ So, don't be like the crow, and beware of too many compliments.

  4. Yes, I agree with the moral of the story. The fox was very clever. The crow was easily flattered by all of the compliments. The fox said all of the compliments in a way so he could get the crow to open her mouth and drop the cheese. His mission was to get the cheese. Because the crow felt good about the compliments, she didn't even think about losing the cheese if she sang. But not all compliments will lead to betrayal. Some people are sincere.

  5. I do not agree that you should not trust flatterers because if someone says you look good I think you should trust them because they could be telling the truth.Some people do not lie and tell the truth.But then there's some people who lie and do not tell the truth.So I don't know if you should really trust flatterers.There's also people like master fox who want something out of it like a piece of cheese.Master fox also tricked crow because he said "I feel sure your voice must surpass that of other birds, just as your figure does; let me hear but one song from you that I may greet you as the Queen of the Birds."And he knew the piece of cheese would fall out.Now you know why I would not trust flatterers.

  6. I do agree with the moral of the fable “The Fox And The Crow”. You should never trust flatterers because some people don’t mean it. For example, in the movie “Mean Girls”, one of the main characters, Regina says to a girl “I like your bracelet” and when the girl walks away, Regina says “that’s the most hideous bracelet I’ve ever seen”. Some people, like Regina, just flatter you to be nice or when you are just standing there awkwardly, you compliment someone just to start a conversation or to just to say something. Some flatterers exaggerate. For instance, if someone says to you “That’s the most prettiest bracelet I’ve ever seen”, they are totally exaggerating. They have probably seen prettier bracelets, they are just saying that to make you feel special. Flatterers should never be trusted!

  7. I believe this moral because when people usually say I will give you something if you do something for me, they won't do it. They will just fake it. This moral reminds me of the story "Sun and Moon in a Box". It reminds me of it because the coyote begged the eagle to hold the box and that he wouldnt open it but then he did, so you can never believe people like that. Thats what happened in this story, he said he would give him cheese if you give him something but I bet he didn't do what he said he was gonna do. Flatterers usually use you for something they want and it works with some people sometimes. I think it's really mean, annoying, and not being a nice person! Well this is why I agree with this moral, " Do not trust flatterers".

  8. I do not agree with the moral from the story at all. The moral "Don't trust flatterers" is completely wrong. I know this is wrong because if you never trust flatterers then you’ll never feel complimented. Someone might think that someone is tiring to flatter them and get something from them when really they are just trying to be nice. Likely, the person will get very upset and react rudely to the "flatterer". Then the person who just really wanted to be nice will not want to talk to the person again. The person who mistakenly followed the moral may lose a future friend. They might even loose a future spouse. I just really don’t agree with the moral.

  9. I agree with the moral in "The Fox And The Crow". I agree with the moral because sometimes they only say those things to get something from you. This proves you should never trust a flatterer. Although sometimes they could just be trying to be nice. Also if you have something you don't want to lose and someone is flattering you, you should keep it safe because they might be trying to get it from you. The crow should've known better. Clearly I agree with the moral “never trust a flatterer”.


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